Prince Henry
To promote recognition of Henry Sinclair, 14th Century explorer
of North America, and to celebrate the 600th anniversary in 1998
December 20, 1996 Issue
Published by Prince Henry Project Committee
65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583, USA
Phone: 508-835-2900 Fax: 508-835-2944
E-Mail: henry1398@aol.com
John S. Quarterman
Christmas in Advocate
"Winter in Advocate Harbour, Nova Scotia, follows the
fall season, known for its gorgeous colours and the
beginning of the spectacular sunsets as the sun begins
to move from behind Cape Chignecto, and chooses Isle
Haute, about 10 miles out in the Bay of Fundy, as its
backdrop. The sunny moments of December often give
way to grey, windy days when the changing 25 foot tides
move the water in and out of our harbour and off the
rock strewn 3 mile beach. When the days are clear
there is a magic here that calls all believers to a very
real understanding of creation as the high cliffs of
Chignecto balanced by the wooded slopes of Cape
D'Or, on the Advocate side, seem to engulf us. There
is something special here and many sense it to be
"This could not have been lost on Prince Henry
Sinclair, The story tellers inform us of his visit here in
1398 and his winter camp overlooking all of this
grandeur. As a man with a Christian tradition, he and
possibly most of his European group would have been
familiar with the church's celebration of Christmas.
What a spectacular place, high above the cold, churning
waters of the Bay of Fundy for them to stop for prayer
and maybe hear the angel's words read to them:
And the angel said unto them, Fear not. For, behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to
all people. .... For unto you is born this day in the city
of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."
(Luke 2: 10-11 KJV)
"As a minister of the United Church of Canada in
Advocate Harbour with a full view of the Advocate side
of Cape D'Or visible from my office window, I often
look up there and wonder what it must have been like
600 years ago. If those stories are correct about a
winter camp here in 1398, as it is today, it must have
been special"
These words were written
Rev. David Chisling, 28 Nov 96
We echo these special sentiments as expressed by
Rev. David Chisling. May you and your family share
the wonderful heritage of harmonious diversity which
was practiced by Prince Henry Six Centuries ago.
Outreach of Celebration
Throughout the United States, Canada, the United
Kingdom. and between, in Newfoundland & Shetland,
activities are beginning to focus upon the
1998 anniversary
of Prince Henry's voyage. Each region has
its own motives. Places like Westford are focusing
upon their
"Westford Knight" on the ledge. The Clans
are planning a New England Gathering. In Oregon the
committee is disseminating information thru many
outlets. Other locations, such as Guysborough, have
dedicated a memorial marker to Prince Henry in a
Provincial Park. In Advocate, the residents are
preparing for an influx of visitors. In Griffin, IN, the
Scottish Festival gave public recognition to Prince
Henry. Many other regions are starting to make plans
for a pilgrimage to New England and Nova Scotia.
Some are also setting their sights on a Scottish tour to
Rosslyn. The common theme of all these far-flung
groups is the saga of Prince Henry.
Our hats are off to Tish Mumford, Laurel Fechner,
Jonathan Wills, Pam Mangarelli, Susan Grady, Neil St. Clair,
D'Elayne Coleman, Duncan MacDonald, Beth Gay & John Aulerich,
who have worked hard on behalf of Prince Henry.
The 600th Celebration Committee is encouraging
groups such as those representated by the above leaders
to help each other toward their common interests. Coordination
will assist everyone in having a more successful celebration.
This Newsletter will continue to report on the activities of these
many grass-roots committees. Please let us know about your
news items.
Optimism from Scotland
Chris Minty, manager of St. Clair Voyage 1398-1998
Ltd reports that Charitable Contribution status has
been granted to his organization in Scotland. The
numbers are Scottish Charity #SC02464, Company
#169134. The SCV Financial Manager, Derek Moss, is
actively soliciting potential donors. They "feel very
confident of the outcome."
Permission has been granted to the 600th Celebration
Committee in the USA to keep the 45" model for an
extended period. It is scheduled to be displayed by Ian
Sinclair & John Aulerich at the annual Robert Burn's
Dinner in Newport, RI, and then at the Scottish Week
end festivities at Moultrie, GA, arranged by Beth Gay.
Both of these events are expected to bring good
publicity to Prince Henry's expedition.
New Video Film
Niven Sinclair in England released a revised version of
"The Templar Legacy". It runs 30 minutes and is more
to the point than the earlier edition. Several excellent
shots of the Viking ships are included to show the
difficulties of an Atlantic crossing. This video is
designed for speakers, who want to illustrate their talk.
Call 508-835-2900 for availability.
Michael Bentine
We all mourn the loss of Michael Bentine in Scotland,
who died of cancer a few weeks ago. He was the
narrator in the film "The Templar Legacy", which he
helped to produce.
Our correspondent from Virginia, Susan Grady, has
maintained a close contact with the site in Nova Scotia
which is suspected to have been a castle built by Henry
Sinclair in 1398. It is located on private land, not open
to visitors until this last year. The owners were going to
allow archaeological studies to be made by a firm of
their selection. However, during this past summer
there were many visitors and there was some excavating
done in the region. The owners became seriously
concerned that unauthorized activities could endanger
the authenticity of their castle remains. For the time
being, no further visitors will be allowed.
One of the original goals of the Prince Henry Sinclair
Society several years ago was to erect a
monument to
Prince Henry on the shores of
Chedabucto Bay in Nova
Scotia. In September this dream became a
reality, thanks to D'Elayne & Richard Coleman. In a
future issue we will describe the monument more fully.
The inscription on the plaque reads as follows:
"Over the years there has been much controversy over who lays
claim to being the first European explorer to set foot in the
New World. A persistent theory supports a 1398 voyage by a
Scottish Earl, Henry St. Clair of Orkney.
Based on the "Zeno
Narrative", whose authenticity has been challenged by most
historians, the St. Clair saga persists. This monument presents
the claim for Prince Henry's supposed voyage as described in
Frederick J. Pohl's authorative book,
Prince Henry Sinclair,
His Expedition To The New World 1398. Pohl described
Henry's landing on June 2, 1398, in Chedabucto Bay. Henry
spent a year exploring Nova Scotia with the kind cooperation
of the Mi'kmaq people. This monument is donated to the
Prince Henry Sinclair Society of North America and to the
Province of Nova Scotia by Richard and D'Elayne Manger
Coleman in recognition of the achievements of Henry, whom
his Admiral Antonio Zeno characterized as "a Prince as
worthy of immortal memory as any that ever lived for his great
bravery and remarkable goodness."
Clan Events Planned
The chairman for the Clan Sinclair celebration in New
England is Ian Sinclair, and for
Clan Gunn
it is
Anthony Barrett. They urge all Sinclairs and Gunns to
make reservations soon for the New Hampshire Games
in Lincoln, NH, on Sept. 18-20, 1998. Watch their clan
newsletters for details.
The "Sixth Dimension"
It is a known fact that the craftsmen of Medieval Times
created marvelous cathedrals, precisely aligned and
miraculously constructed. Mariners, similarly, exhibited
remarkable navigational capabilities. While their tools
of the trade were primitive from our viewpoint today, it
is obvious they had a much more advanced "Sixth
Dimension". They were truly "masters", who had
learned from long, tedious apprenticeship and focusing
of attention.
While computers and power equipment have increased
our capabilities today, we have outstanding thinkers,
too. One such person is William Buehler. He has
combined psychic tools and an ability to focus; this is a
talent not familiar to most of us. However, his findings
certainly capture our attention.
Mr. Buehler, an ordained minister and a veteran officer
of the US Navy, has focused his study upon energy-
consciousness grids. He harnesses locations with
scripture, using geometry. One such primary "Earth
Grid" includes Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. Another
centers upon the region in France where the ancient
Templar headquarters existed, in the area of Rennes le
Chateau. Another grid is in Westford, MA, at the site
of the Westford Carving. Of course, Jerusalem is in a
major grid.
These energy grids are thought to have been known
and understood by the Templar leaders. According to
Buehler, "I believe that the Henry Sinclair voyage of
1398 included an important objective of transferring the
"New Church" energetically from Europe to this
continent by installing the [Rosslyn] grid which stretches
from Nova Scotia to Virginia. . . . . The energy pole in
the Westford/Boston area is the eastern generating pole
. . . . . . This is engrammed into the Knight's stone
matrix. . . . . The Sinclairs have in their charge a
magnificent tool in the [Rosslyn] Chapel; it has a
unique position and function in this half of the planet .
. . probably not discovered since the Templars used it
long ago."
For a more thorough explanation of this geometric and
cosmological theory, you may contact Rev. William
Buehler, Church of Antioch, c/o General Delivery,
Crestone, CO, 81131.
Book Review
has been said
The Hiram Key
Knight & Lomas
shakes the Christian world to its very roots!
As the authors were researching the origins of Freemasonry, they
uncovered an amazing new view of Jesus. They concluded that the
most precious Scrolls of the early Christians were buried under
Herod's Temple in the year 70 AD and discovered a thousand years
later by the Knight Templar. Many of the ancient rituals found
in these Scrolls were adopted by the Templars. Then, after the
Suppression of the Templars in the 13th century, the Scrolls were
enshrined by the Templars and William Sinclair beneath Rosslyn
Chapel in Scotland. They now await evacuation. Copies are available
from this 600th Celebration Committee at $38.50, which includes
postage & handling.
Send us Names!
We are gathering the names and E-Mail addresses of persons interested
in the Prince Henry saga. Please send them to us at our address of
As you know there is no charge. Each name on our
Internet list will be notified each time a new issue of this Newsletter is
posted to our Websites.
Clan Sinclair
Last update: 99/06/20 11:36:56