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Re: Old Picture
I saw Cameron's family photograph and the comments on it from
others on the list. This led me to chime in to say that I would
be happy to receive any old family photos for posting to the
Sinclair web site that I am working on. I can scan any photos
that anyone has and place them there. Or of course if anyone has
images which are already scanned and ready for publishing that
would be great as well. If I did post these type of photographs,
I would also like to publish some type of historical or
genealogical notes to go with them of course. These notes could
be of any length that the author would wish to submit. This
might make for an interesting section of the web site that could
be developed as a Sinclair ancestral photo gallery of sorts.
If anyone is interested, please feel free to send me a quick note.
Paul Sinclair
--- Original Message of Cameron Sinclair (04:08 PM 1/15/98
Hello everyone.
This is an old photograph that has been restored, showing my
great grandfather (whom I do not yet know his name, but he is a
Sinclair). I'll get back to you with the name, or if any one
has seen the picture before they could provide some info.
Take care.
Cameron Sinclair
"In the year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving
and outnumbered, charged the fields of Bannockburn. The fought
like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen. And won their
Attachment Converted: "E:\EUDORA\ATTACH\sinclair.gif"
- References:
- Old Picture
- From: "Cameron Sinclair" <csinclai@uoguelph.ca>