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Re: "Cruachan"
I think that "Cruachan" is a war cry from the Argyll area as in Ben Cruachan
the mountains at the seaward end of Loch Etive.
-----Original Message-----
From: dgaskill <dgaskill@mcione.com>
To: sinclair@zilker.net <sinclair@zilker.net>
Date: 22 February 1998 18:58
Subject: Re: "Cruachan"
>In a recent post, Toni wrote, in part:
>> I understand that the Sinclair war cry was "Cruachan". Can anyone
>confirm or deny that? Maybe we could use it as a name for this Email site.
>> All the best. Toni
>I like this idea of livening up our discussion list with a catchy
>nickname/slogan, but I'm not sure that "Cruachan" ever was the battle cry
>of the Sinclairs. I could certainly be wrong on this point, but I seem to
>recall it being something like "never backward." I must admit that I don't
>recall where I saw that. Maybe Andrew Sinclair's book, The Sword and the
>Grail? I think he comments in a couple of places on the "berserker"
>tendency among Sinclairs in battle, as when William St. Clair charged into
>the ranks of the Saracens while on the mission to carry Bruce's heart to
>the holy land and when Prince Henry died (shortly after his return from the
>voyage) while wading into those attacking his castle. Anyway, my main
>point is that I don't remember "cruachan" as a line in these narratives,
>but of course I could be misremembering. Any help out there?
>I do see on various websites that Clan Campbell and Clan MacIntyre both
>claim "cruachan" as "their" battle cry. And I do think it has deeply
>mystical Celtic connotations -- perhaps more Celtic than we Sinclairs (with
>our Norse>Norman>Scottish roots) can properly latch on to? Just wondering.