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Re: John Bean - Elizabeth his dau.
Dave and Kimmy,
Re John Bean, Rand Greubel mentions in his essay on John Sinkler
at http://kingcrest.com/sinclair/johnsinkler.html-ssi that one
of John Bean's descendants apparently did a research piece on
his (John Bean's) descendants. This was in around 1977. Quoting
from Rand's article:
"Mr. Bernie Bean, an ancestor of the John Bean mentioned above,
has authored a history of his family entitled The Life and
Family of John Bean of Exeter and His Cousins. [Editor's note:
According to Mr. Greubel, the material by Mr. Bean on his
ancestor John Bean is available in the Mormon family history
library in Salt Lake City but so far as is known, has not been
published elsewhere.] Bean states that an expatriate Scotsman by
the name of Nicholas Lissen "was operating two lumber mills near
Exeter, N.H." in 1651 (Bean 1977:5). Following Stackpole, he
states that "the seven men who were indentured to Nicholas
Lissen were: John Bean, John Barber, Alexander Gordon, John
Sinclair, John Hudson, John Thompson, and Walter Jackson. All
were to be lifetime friends of John Bean." (Bean 1977:6)"
If anyone happens to get a copy of this work, please let us know
what it contains!
Paul Sinclair
--- Original Message of dgaskill (07:32 AM 3/5/98 -0500)---
>Hello Kimmy,
>Do you know about Leonard Allison Morrison's "The History of
the Sinclair
>Family in Europe and America"? That book has a chapter (VI)
given to "John
>Sinkler of Exeter, N.H. and His Descendants." Included in that
chapter is a
>section on John Sinkler, Jr., including brief info on
Elizabeth, his wife,
>and a list of their children: John (1708), Samuel (1709),
Abigail (1710),
>Margaret (1712), and Elizabeth (1713).
>If you can't locate the book, I can send you photocopies of
these pages.
>I, too, trace back to this marriage through Samuel (1709) and
Sarah Matoon.
> And so I also am interested in the Bean family, but have so
far made very
>little progress. Perhaps others out there on this discussion
list could
>share some good sources of info concerning the Beans? Was John
Bean also
>from Scotland? If so, where exactly? Was he also a Battle of
>prisoner? (And as for that, has anyone made progress on Rand
>interesting challenge to the whole Worcester/John Sinkler
>But that's another story, I guess. Just thought I would take this
>opportunity to see if anyone else is at work on this problem.
>Best wishes Kimmy. Let the list know what you find, okay?
>Dave Gaskill
>Auburn, Alabama
>> From: Kimmy Lavoie <kalahan@ncia.net>
>> To: sinclair@zilker.net
>> Subject: John Bean - Elizabeth his dau.
>> Date: Wednesday, March 04, 1998 4:10 AM
>> Hi,
>> I am seeking any information about John Bean of Exeter, NH.
He was John
>> Sinclair's (1) best friend. I am also interested in John
Sinclair (2)
>> b. 1668 who married Elizabeth Bean b. 9-24-1678 (John Bean's
>> They married in 1699. I'm sure that someone had information
about this
>> union and their children.
>> Thank you !
>> Kimmy Bean Lavoie