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Re: John Bean - Elizabeth his dau.
Thanks, Paul, for your reminder about the John Bean info. I had read this
before on your great Sinclair Home Page but neglected to take notes. This
time I'm going back with a pencil in my ear as well as my fingers on the
keyboard! And DITTO your call for someone to post a summary of the
research piece on the Bean descendants.
> From: Paul Sinclair <sinclair@kingcrest.com>
> To: sinclair@zilker.net
> Subject: Re: John Bean - Elizabeth his dau.
> Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 9:07 AM
> Dave and Kimmy,
> Re John Bean, Rand Greubel mentions in his essay on John Sinkler
> at http://kingcrest.com/sinclair/johnsinkler.html-ssi that one
> of John Bean's descendants apparently did a research piece on
> his (John Bean's) descendants. This was in around 1977. Quoting
> from Rand's article:
> "Mr. Bernie Bean, an ancestor of the John Bean mentioned above,
> has authored a history of his family entitled The Life and
> Family of John Bean of Exeter and His Cousins. [Editor's note:
> According to Mr. Greubel, the material by Mr. Bean on his
> ancestor John Bean is available in the Mormon family history
> library in Salt Lake City but so far as is known, has not been
> published elsewhere.] Bean states that an expatriate Scotsman by
> the name of Nicholas Lissen "was operating two lumber mills near
> Exeter, N.H." in 1651 (Bean 1977:5). Following Stackpole, he
> states that "the seven men who were indentured to Nicholas
> Lissen were: John Bean, John Barber, Alexander Gordon, John
> Sinclair, John Hudson, John Thompson, and Walter Jackson. All
> were to be lifetime friends of John Bean." (Bean 1977:6)"
> If anyone happens to get a copy of this work, please let us know
> what it contains!
> Regards,
> Paul Sinclair
> --- Original Message of dgaskill (07:32 AM 3/5/98 -0500)---
> >Hello Kimmy,
> >
> >Do you know about Leonard Allison Morrison's "The History of
> the Sinclair
> >Family in Europe and America"? That book has a chapter (VI)
> given to "John
> >Sinkler of Exeter, N.H. and His Descendants." Included in that
> chapter is a
> >section on John Sinkler, Jr., including brief info on
> Elizabeth, his wife,
> >and a list of their children: John (1708), Samuel (1709),
> Abigail (1710),
> >Margaret (1712), and Elizabeth (1713).
> >If you can't locate the book, I can send you photocopies of
> these pages.
> >
> >I, too, trace back to this marriage through Samuel (1709) and
> Sarah Matoon.
> > And so I also am interested in the Bean family, but have so
> far made very
> >little progress. Perhaps others out there on this discussion
> list could
> >share some good sources of info concerning the Beans? Was John
> Bean also
> >from Scotland? If so, where exactly? Was he also a Battle of
> Worcester
> >prisoner? (And as for that, has anyone made progress on Rand
> Greubel's
> >interesting challenge to the whole Worcester/John Sinkler
> tradition?)
> >But that's another story, I guess. Just thought I would take this
> >opportunity to see if anyone else is at work on this problem.
> >
> >Best wishes Kimmy. Let the list know what you find, okay?
> >
> >Dave Gaskill
> >dgaskill@mcione.com
> >Auburn, Alabama
> >
> >----------
> >> From: Kimmy Lavoie <kalahan@ncia.net>
> >> To: sinclair@zilker.net
> >> Subject: John Bean - Elizabeth his dau.
> >> Date: Wednesday, March 04, 1998 4:10 AM
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >> I am seeking any information about John Bean of Exeter, NH.
> He was John
> >> Sinclair's (1) best friend. I am also interested in John
> Sinclair (2)
> >> b. 1668 who married Elizabeth Bean b. 9-24-1678 (John Bean's
> daughter).
> >> They married in 1699. I'm sure that someone had information
> about this
> >> union and their children.
> >> Thank you !
> >> Kimmy Bean Lavoie
> >