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Re: Suggestion
Andrea, Bill,
I'm not sure if what the two of you are referring to is the
guest book at http://kingcrest.com/sinclair/guestbook.cfm or
not. That is as close to a Sinclair BB that I know about.
I put up a "Discussion Board" area on that site back in
November/December last year and solicited input about whether
that was a good idea or not. It got less than 5 posts in the
span of 30 days or so and I received 2 or 3 notes on it. Suffice
it to say it didn't receive an overwhelming response! That was
the type of set up where someone posts a Topic and any others
can then post Replies under that Topic or start new Topics of
their own.
Paul Sinclair--
--- Original Message of Andrea F. Wilson (11:10 AM 3/12/98 PST)---
>Quite awhile ago there was a Sinclair BB. But I haven't been
able to locate it
>Andrea Wilson
>> Why not have a Sinclair bulletin board on a Web site, instead
of having
>> everyone broadcast to a list where most of those recipients
are not interested
>> in the topic?
>> The stuff I'm deluged with is even worse than the SPAMmers.
If it gets any
>> worse, I may have to ask you to remove my name.
>> Yours; Bill Sinclair