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Fwd: Suggestion
In a message dated 98-03-12 12:47:55 EST, sinclair@kingcrest.com writes:
I put up a "Discussion Board" area on that site back in
November/December last year and solicited input about whether
that was a good idea or not. It got less than 5 posts in the
span of 30 days or so and I received 2 or 3 notes on it. Suffice
it to say it didn't receive an overwhelming response! >>
It may have gotten a weak response back then, but now with over 100 Sinclair-
related people on your broadcast list, maybe it'll work. Especially if you
encourage them to put replies of a special interest on that, rather that
cluttering up everyone else's mailbox with topics that don't concern them.
Maybe someone needs to be a moderator. If something is of general interest,
the moderator can make the decision to broadcast it to the entire list. We
just have to find someone who's willing to do the work.
Andrea, Bill,
I'm not sure if what the two of you are referring to is the
guest book at http://kingcrest.com/sinclair/guestbook.cfm or
not. That is as close to a Sinclair BB that I know about.
I put up a "Discussion Board" area on that site back in
November/December last year and solicited input about whether
that was a good idea or not. It got less than 5 posts in the
span of 30 days or so and I received 2 or 3 notes on it. Suffice
it to say it didn't receive an overwhelming response! That was
the type of set up where someone posts a Topic and any others
can then post Replies under that Topic or start new Topics of
their own.
Paul Sinclair--
--- Original Message of Andrea F. Wilson (11:10 AM 3/12/98 PST)---
>Quite awhile ago there was a Sinclair BB. But I haven't been
able to locate it
>Andrea Wilson
>> Why not have a Sinclair bulletin board on a Web site, instead
of having
>> everyone broadcast to a list where most of those recipients
are not interested
>> in the topic?
>> The stuff I'm deluged with is even worse than the SPAMmers.
If it gets any
>> worse, I may have to ask you to remove my name.
>> Yours; Bill Sinclair