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Sinclairs & Gunns to Celebrate 600th Year
The Prince Henry Project Committee announces the 600th Celebration
for the Clan Gathering for Gunns and Sinclairs. Events will span seven
Clan Sinclair and Clan Gunn will have "Honored Clan" status at this year's
New Hampshire Highland Games. The presence of The Right-Honorable Malcolm
Sinclair, Earl of Caithness, Hereditary Chief of Clan Sinclair will be
recognized. In addition, Prince Henry and his companions are expected to be
in attendance (through impersonation)! Last year the attendance at the NH
Highland Games was 42,000. Among the scheduled events are the Tattoo,
Pipe Bands, Contests for harp, fiddle and Highland dancing, demonstrations,
seminars, games, Tartan Ball, and clan tents.
In Westford, MA, there will be a banquet, seminars, clan meeting, and a
reception. Special exhibitions are planned at the Library to commemorate
600th Anniversary. Information gathered about the "Westford Knight" will be
available for browsing and copying. Also, while at the library, one can
the "Boat Stone" (a carving on a stone thought to have been carved at the
time as the Westford Knight. It resembles a sailing ship). The schools in
Westford will be doing special projects about the Sinclair Voyage to get the
students involved. The Westford Museum will be featuring special lectures
Here is the preliminary schedule of events.
New Hampshire Highland Games, Lincoln NH
Thursday, September 17th
7:00 pm Tattoo
Friday, September 18th
9:30 am Parade
All day Sinclair Symposium (Hour-long seminars on such
subjects as Genealogy, Ancient Sinclair History,
Prince Henry, Rosslyn Chapel, Westford Knight, &
All day Tents & Games
7:00 pm Dinner & Tartan Ball
Saturday, September 19th
All day Tents & Games
7:00 pm Concert & Dinner & Dance
Sunday, September 20th
10:00 am Religious Service
All day Tents & Games
4:00 pm Closing Ceremonies
6:00 pm Travel to Westford, MA
Westford, Massachusetts (Westford Regency Hotel & Convention Center)
Monday, September 21st
9:00 am Registration
10:00 am Commissioner's Meeting
10:00 am Symposium Makeup Session
1:00 pm Visits to the Westford Knight Ledge & Library
7:00 pm Clan Banquet for Sinclairs & Gunns
Tuesday, September 22nd
10:00 am Clan Meetings (for Members)
12:00 am Visits to the Westford Knight Ledge & Library
7:00 pm Chief's Reception (public invited) Presentation of
Plaque to Town.
Newburyport, Massachusetts/Exeter, New Hampshire
Wednesday, September 23rd
9:30 am Newburyport Harbor Tours
1:00 pm Exeter Inn Luncheon, Sinkler talk by the Exeter
Historical Society, Presentation of Plaque
to Town
3:00 pm Historical House Tour
More information will be published in the next issues of "600th Celebration
News", "Yours Aye", and on Web Sites. http://www.mids.org/sinclair/600 or
to our other site which is: http://www/netcom.com/~jolin/600thII.html. Or
you can contact Prince Henry Project Committee, PO Box 158, Worcester, MA
USA, Phone: (508) 835-2900 Fax: (508) 835-2944 E-Mail: