Thats probably why there is a nationwide effort to ban gunns. They really aren't very nice! But each and every Sinclair in the world is an individual gem of, kindness, gentility, and good will. That's why you will find fewer and fewer gunns in the movies and more and more Sinclairs. I rest my case.
Lar Sinclair, Chicago
Plowman wrote:
I just recently joined Clan Gunn then found I was Qualified to be a
Sinclair too. Today I went to the Alma,Michigan Highland Festival. My kids
were all excited because we finally got to wear our Gunn badges and meet
the clan. While there we stopped in at the Sinclair tent and met some very
nice ladies, One from Harrison MI., and one from Saginaw, MI..
The kids were waiting all day to meet up with the other Gunn clan members
and march in the parade of tartans. Finally the Gunns got there and we went
over, all excited, to meet them and... BIG LETDOWN. the Gunns were not nice
at all. The kids were very let down and decided we need to melt down the
Gunn badges and be Sinclairs. I think I agree. Other than that it was a lot
of fun with the bands, dancers, sheep dogs etc...
Nancy Plowman