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Re: Sinclair Research
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
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osaltsandy@thurston.com Antonio Sinclair , My name is Sandy (Alexander)
Sinclair, I was so excited to read your latest message about your copy
of"The Sinclairs of Roslin, Caithness and Goshen" 1901 My family connects
onto that schonner, Sherbrook that left from Lathron. They came via Nova
Scotia ,ended up in Yakima Washington where my grandfather. Alexander
Robert Sinclair (dd 1909) was a saddlemaker and I have the accurate
lineage from then on to my newest grandson, Ian Alexander Sinclair born Aug
5,1997. We live in Olympia Washington.
I plan to attend the Westford get-to-gether in Sept. Would you be there?
I'd love to meet you . Sandy Sinclair
> From: Antonia Sinclair <asflwr@cujo2.icom.ca>
> To: sinclair@zilker.net
> Subject: Sinclair Research
> Date: Friday, July 03, 1998 4:54 AM
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
> [ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> -------
> For those of you who were interested in the 16th and 17th Earls of
Caithness, I have obtained a copy of "The Sinclairs of Roslin, Caithness,
and Goshen" by the
> Rev. A. Maclean Sinclair, written in 1901. It has been reproduced by Clan
Sinclair Assoc. of Canada, available from Rory Sinclair, Secretary, 133
Major St. Toronto, Ontario M5S 2K9. It is FULL of names, and dates.
> James-Augustus, the 16th Earl, married in 1855, Janet and had by her -
John Sutherland Sinclair, and other sons. He dies in 1891.
> John Sutherland Sinclair, 17th Earl of Caithness was educated at the
University of Aberdeen, He emigrated to the U>S> He has a farm called
Berriedale at Lacota in North Dacota. He has no land in Scotland. But
that is not a matter of any great consequence; he is chief of the Sinclairs
of Caithness (remember, this written in 1901)
> Going back farther: "...James of Mey, the 12th earl died in 1823, and
was succeeded by his son Alexander. Alexander, the 13th earl, died in
1855, and was succeeded by his son James. James, the 14th Earl, was noted
for his scientific attainments. He died in New York, in 1881, and was
succeeded by his son, George. George of Mey, the 15th earl, died unmarried
in 1889. He was succeeded in the title of earl, but not in his estate, by
James Augustus Sinclair, son of Lieu.-Colonel John Sutherland Sinclair of
the Durran family."
> Under the Sinclairs of Goshen "The Descendants of Alexander in Shurery"
> Alexander Sinclair married Isabel Sutherland in 179_., and had 9
> Elspet, 1792; William, 1794, Robert, 1796; John, 1797, Christy, 1081;
Alexander, 1806; Robert, 1808; Donald, 1811. He left Latheron and sailed
for America in the spring of 1816, landed at Halifax in June, and came by a
schooner to Sherbrook. About 1820 he removed with his family to the
district then known as the Backlands of St. Mary's, but now Goshen. He
died on May 13, 1841.
> I'm sorry, Rick, but there is no mention of a Richard. Most of their
children stayed in Nova Scotia, and a few went to Washington State.
> This seems to verify Laurie's research. (Laurie-what is the source of
your information?)
> Toni S.
> (Sinclairs of Islay, Argyll to Victoria Co.)
> [
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