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Re: Attn: Jean Re: Ohio Sinclairs
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
Is it possible that Olinger was her middle name and not her last name? My
Dad says that this info is from the Wayne co. historical society and of
questionable origin. What other info on my line would you like? I gave all
the info on my GG John P Sinclair that I have....do you need the rest of my
Grampas family info as well? I will gladly supply it for you.
Williamson Sinclair DOB 12-06-1837 Grant co. Indiana DOD 2-25-1919 Wayne co.
Married Sarah Francis Breese on 08-14-1865. Sarah's DOB 08-18-1860 DOD
John Henry (M) DOB 9/12/1866 Wayne Co. IA DOD 05/29/1954 Lineville, IA
Nancy Isabella (F) DOB 08/19/1867 Wayne Co. IA DOD 09/05/1868, Wayne Co. IA
Della Lola (F) DOB 05/13/1869 Wayne Co. IA , DOD 09/05/1869 Wayne Co. IA
William Washington (M) DOB 09/09/1870 Wayne Co. IA DOD 002/23/1963
Thermopolis WY
Alva P(M) DOB 06/29/1873 Wayne Co. IA DOD Unknown
James Stacy(M) DOB 03/20/1875 Wayne Co. IA , DOD 08/14/1876 Wayne Co. IA
Jesse Aubrey (M) DOB 10/17/1878 Wayne Co. IA , DOD 03/10/1921 Corydon, IA
Mary E.R. (F) DOB 06/25/1880 Wayne Co. IA , DOD Unknown, St Joseph, MO
Glen Oscar(M) DOB 09/09/1882 Wayne Co. IA , DOD 09/27/1954 Wayne Co. IA
Maggie (F) DOB 08/07/1884 Wayne Co. IA , DOD08/19/1885 Wayne Co. IA
Anna Jane (F) DOB 06/21/1886 Wayne Co. IA , DOD08/04/1887 Wayne Co. IA
Marley (M) DOB 01/23/1888 Wayne Co. IA , DOD 02/20/1888 Wayne Co. IA
Grace A (F)DOB 05/16/1889 Wayne Co. IA ,DOD04/20/1917 of TB, Wayne Co. IA
Gertie (F) DOB 03/26/1891 Wayne Co. IA , DOD Unknown, Des Moines, IA
George Augustus(M)** DOB 08/10/1893 Wayne Co. IA , DOD12/22/1974 of lung
cancer, in West Branch, IA. He was my Grampa and I still miss him.
George Augustus Sinclair married Hallie Evelyn Dent (DOB 01/16/1908, Marion
Co. IA, DOD 01/29/1979, Ontario CA) [George was married briefly befor this
and divorced her to marry Hallie. Unsure of her name...no children tho]
Marraige took place in February?, 1925
LaVerne Weston(M) 04/20/1925 Corydon, IA
William Lemley (M)DOB 10/02/1926, Corydon, IA{raised by aunt and Uncle for
some unknown reason}DOD of Liver Cancer, 03/30/1980, Corydon, IA
Donald Marvin(M) DOB 01/10/1929 Corydon, IA
Melvin Eugene (M) DOB 01/02/1931, Corydon, IA
Gerald George** (M) DOB 11/18/1932, Corydon, IA
** He is my Dad.
Gerald George Sinclar Married Edith Harriet Blocher (DOB 03/10/1932,
Corydon, IA) on June 22,1951.
Thomas Lavern(M) DOB 09/22/1954, Mt Clemmons MI
Brian Mark(M) DOB 03/26/1960 Belmond, IA
Catherine Mary**(F)DOB 11/07/1962 Belmond, IA
**Me of course!<G>
Catherine married Larry Michael on 06/20/1980 and divorced him 2 yrs later.
No children. Then I married Mark Fulton on 11/07/1991 and became very,
blissfully happy<G>
Mary Amanda(F) DOB 10/03/1984, Iowa City, IA
Rebecca Jeanne(F), DOB 06/16/1992, Iowa City, IA
Connor Mark(M) DOB 10/16/1993, Iowa City, IA
Is this all you need? Let me know if you want My brother's families as well.
Cat ***Bozone (n.) The substance surrounding stupid people that
stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer,
unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near
future. ***
ICQ #5252151 Cathyscatz@bigfoot.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Grigsby <jgrigsby@bcni.net>
To: sinclair@zilker.net <sinclair@zilker.net>
Date: Friday, October 23, 1998 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: Attn: Cathy Fulton Re: Ohio Sinclairs
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
>[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
>Cathy Fulton:
>Cathy, there were two distinct branches in Grant County, Indiana, and both
>branches came from Clinton County, Ohio. I hired a researcher and finally
>documented which branch was which. My office is upside down now and I am
>buried in requests. I have pulled that book from my shelves to help
>another woman and now can't find it. I will try to find it and send you
>proof of which is yours.
>There is one big problem. The marriage record says John P. married Nancy
>JACKSON. We (a group researching this line) are trying to determine
>whether he married two Nancys or whether there were two John P.s. Two of
>John Ps sisters also married into the Jackson family. Their parents were
>James Sinclair and Rachel (surname unknown). James came out of Virginia
>and some think he was the nephew of Alexander of Augusta but there is no
>proof of that.
>I am missing one family in my own line. He was also a John Sinclair and
>his last record is the census of 1820 Columbiana County, Ohio. His father
>and brother also went into Clinton County and I thought for a long time
>that your John P. was his son as the brother was the same William who went
>to Grant County, Indiana but that would be impossible unless James was an
>unknown son of my George. There is still a lot to be done before I am
>satisfied with this line.
>If you will send me what you have on your line, there may be a clue that
>the rest of us did not have. I also need your mailing address for when I
>find the book.
>Jean Grigsby
>P.O. Box 339
>Beeville, TX 78104
>Jean Grigsby
>> From: Cathy Fulton <Cathyscatz@bigfoot.com>
>> To: sinclair@zilker.net
>> Subject: Re: Attn: Cathy Fulton Re: Ohio Sinclairs
>> Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 5:41 PM
>> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
>> [ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
>> -------
>> Ok all interested parties, here's what I have on my Ohio roots (and it's
>> much):
>> GG granparents:
>> John P. Sinclair DOB 8-16-1804 in OH, DOD 11-28-1885 Wayne County Iowa-
>> Married Nancy Olinger DOB 1812 No more is listed on Nancy.
>> Children:
>> Mahala (F) 1836 in IN
>> Williamson (M) 12-6-1837 Grant co IN DOD-2-25-1919
>> Phillip (M) 1839 in IN
>> Stacy (M) 1841
>> John W(M) 1845\Rachel A.(F) 1847
>> Phebe J(F) 1849
>> James R (M) 1850
>> Tilman H(M) 1851
>> Nancy E(F) 1856
>> Note.. All children were listed as born in Grant County IN. Williamson is
>> G- grandfather and that's why I have any DOD info on him. Williamson
>> Sarah Francis Breece on 8-14-1865 when she was only 15yo. Sarah was born
>> Franklin Co IN. They had 15 children including (of course) my Grandfather
>> George Augustus Sinclair DOB 8-10-1893 DOD 12-22-1974. I have most of the
>> DOD's for his siblings and if they are needed please let me know and I
>> gladly supply a copy of them. All my grandfather's siblings were born in
>> Wayne Co. IA.
>> I hope this helps someone and if anyone can come up with a connection to
>> John, please pass it along to me. TIA
>> Cat ***Bozone (n.) The substance surrounding stupid people that
>> stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer,
>> unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near
>> future. ***
>> ICQ #5252151 Cathyscatz@bigfoot.com
>> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9961/
>> [
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