Okay, egg on my face! A descendant of the
NC Sinclairs told me that brothers of one of her ancestors founded the Sinclair
Oil Company in Texas. Now I can't find my notes, etc. to verify what she
told me, or the names of the men involved. Maybe this family just started
their own "legend."
Sorry for the mis-information.
Karen M
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list,
sinclair@zilker.net. [ For more
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Karen, What
is your documentation for the Sinclair Oil Company NC and Texas
roots? You may have two oil companies confused??? THE Sinclair Oil
Company family came to Ohio directly from Ireland and to my knowledge
never were in NC or Texas. I would be interested in any new
information you may have found. Jean
---------- From:
Matheson <zoo@uswest.net> To:
sinclair@zilker.net Subject: Re:
Sinclair Oil Company Date: Sunday, October 25, 1998 12:22
Sinclair Oil Company was started by Sinclairs from a North
Carolina branch who migrated to Texas. Karen
Matheson -----Original
Message----- From: laurel <laurel@spiritone.com>
To: sinclair@zilker.net <sinclair@zilker.net>
Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 7:10 PM Subject: any
one know?
I came across a note to myself:
How did Sinclairsville, NY get its name? What line of the family
was involved? How were the Sinclairs involved with
the Sinclair Oil Company?
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