Yes, I think that is a nice idea. I once
messaged you about your Bowers not knowing that you were in South Africa and
mine in Wisconsin, USA. So I just whipped out my atlas but found very few
cities in SA shown. I think it could
improve my knowledge of geography because I am so curious (I meant my
mind--probably I am a curiosity also) that
I'll look some of you up now.
We just watched a series here on PBS
concerning the explorations of the Portuguese along the African coast. We
saw some beautiful scenes of the African coast. Very interesting.
Did any of you see it. I was struck by the
idea that the Portuguese seemed to have knowledge of the position of South
America when the Line of Demarcation was drawn by the Pope even though,
theoretically, they hadn't been to South America yet. But this could give
another reason for why they refused to back Columbus' trip. They had
already tried it, found a land mass and realized it wasn't China but it seemed
to cut them off from getting there. Their trips were keep very secret so
again it shows this pattern of secretiveness of explorers who looked for
new trade routes such as the Zenos on Prince Henry's voyage.
I missed the first of this
series that would have perhaps shown the Portuguese finding the Madiera
IS. I'm really upset that I didn't see that. Can anyone tell us
about it? Laurel
Portland, OR USA