Thought some of you might be interested in this
series coming up on PBS maybe at a different day and time in your
BAGPIPE: Instrument of War
Is a comprehensive film history of the Great Highland Bagpipe, whose use in war is an ancient tradition among the Celtic people. Narrated by actors Charlton Heston, Tom Conti and Hannah Gordon (Upstairs, Downstairs), this series features musician Phil Collins, sportsman Jackie Stewart and Prince Charles, as well as veterans, historians and musicians from around the world. Part 1 of the Laddies From Hell JANUARY 10 10 PM in Portland, OR Full of drama, humor and emotion, this episode tells the early story of the bagpipe--from the "Braveheart" days of William Wallace to Culloden, and from Ticonderoga to the Alamo. The program also features an extensive conversation between Prince Charles and the last surviving piper from WWI. Armed only with his pipes, he led a suicidal charge into machine gun fire until he reached the enemy trenches. He and other veterans tell of the extraordinary courage of the over 1,000 pipers who fell during the conflict. Part 2 January 17, 10 PM _Portland, OR The Great Highland Bagpipe has influenced the lives of many people both in peace and war. This episode traces the effect of the instrument from the battlefields of WWII to the present day, and examines how the sound of the pipes touches the soul and wakens a distant past in people all around the world--from the late Pres. Kennedy to rock star Phil Collins, The "call to the blood" is strong. -Laurel Portland, OR