Ah! Kristin!!!
This is great! Awaiting
any Møre information you can come up with especially if it deals with
900-1000 AD. Any information on changing the ø to oe or ae. I
used to work in the Registration card Dept. of a software company. When we
got orders from Norway, we were advised to use the oe for our database
records. Was that wrong? What do each of these sound like: Ø
Æ Å ? I have seen the Æ
used at the beginning of
Saxon names such as Æthelred the unready. Were the early Saxons when
they were over in N. Germany next to Denmark (I think) part of the same
linguistic family? I am told that you can't do this in Finland even though
they adopted Swedish characters. Because if you were to change to oe etc.
it would make a whole different word. I bet a lot of stuff I have picked
up along the way is totally wrong.
I'm also interested in the
name of Møre because I have a line of ancestors named Morey. There
were at least 3 families of Morys that arrived in RI around 1630. One
Roger Morey was probably the cousin of Roger Williams who founded RI.
There is a man in New Zealand who just today reported that he has over 21,900
Morey/Mawry,etc. names in his data base. You can't imagine all the
variations there are on this name even to Mohrjie (I think) in The
Netherlands. My theory is that Vikings from that district of Norway
carried that name to many many places and it was then spelled as the people of
that area would have spelled it. And consider the name of Murray.
Maybe my ancestor was really a Murray but it was recorded as Morey by an
Englishman as was done in the case of John Sinclair/Sinkler of
The NZ man thinks most of the
names come from the latin root of Mauritus (again, I guess at the spelling) but
it meant dark or swarthy and he says it was given to the Moors into Spain.
Probably both ideas have merit. I think it is interesting that he lives
there among the Maori of New Zealand. The Japanese also have the name of Mori to
add to the confusion.
While I'm on the RI
subject. At the 600th gathering, I wrongly corrected Pete Cummings when he
mentioned Benedict Arnold as a governor of RI. Benedict Arnold II was the
second governor and followed Roger Williams. The Benedict Arnold we are
familiar with was B. Arnold V. I decided to read this book on Benedict
Arnold that I've had for a year, before I read Saratoga. I'm guessing that
the author James Kirby Martin may be related on my Martin side
As you can tell, by these
long messages, I have far too much time on my hands as I recover from
larangitis. I should be down at a certain bank today picketing them
because they loaned money to Castle Superstores that is trying to set up a
porn shop very close to several schools. The people in Oregon are so
paranoid about losing their freedom of speech that they have the most lenient
laws in the whole country which allow this sort of garbage to come in when the
rest of you have had the good sense to make laws to protect your neighborhoods
trusting that the U.S. Constitution will always protect you. So these type
of stores cater also to people flying in from other countries and states to load
up on trash.
I guess that about covers
things.--Anyone know whether there is a CD with an unabridged dictionary on
it? This is for looking up those obscure words, certainly not to help my
spelling, there's no hope for that.
Once again - a fountain of information. What are you? A walking
Anyway, as it happens, I lived for over 10 years in Norway where I worked
and earned my BA in the History of Ideas (University of Oslo). I speak, read
and write fluent Norwegian. When I first moved there, I lived in a small
village (I seem to have a thing for small villages, I now live in a small
village in the Galilee) called "Grimo" in the Hardanger district.
I also had a "bunad", one of the folk costumes you mentioned, from
that region and they are very beautiful indeed. It was custom tailored and
complete with silver broach and black, silver buckle shoes. They are
somewhat different from the Møre og Romsdal bunads, but still
extremely eye-catching. ("og" by the way, means "and")
As far as not finding Møre on the map - and I'm not positive about
this - it may be because of the fact that these districts were often named
after certain people or families and it is not always the case that there
will be a corresponding town with the same name in the same district or
otherwise. It is like there is Oregon, but you don't have a town in Oregon
(so far as I know) named Oregon, i.e. Oregon, Oregon. I don't know. There
very well could be a town called Møre, but I've yet to find it. I
have a Norwegian friend of mine looking into it for me and if she can't come
up with anything, I can ask other Norwegians I know for information. I did
an internet search last night, but didn't come up with anything helpful in
this regard.
Anyway, that's all I have time to write for the moment. I've got to get
back to work. I am translating a book by a Norwegian author into English as
it happens.
Best always,
Kristin Alynn Hussein Taurus International Word Processing Service
URL: http://www.angelfire.com/mt/tauruswordprocessing/tauruswp.html
Spirit One Email wrote:
First of
all, it would surely be great if we could have a real live member of our
discussion group from Møre, Norway. They could probably add
much and correct much that I am about to give to
you. A few months back I noticed a beautiful
silver broach on a friend's dress and was told that it was from her
native area of Norway. So I told her that our Sinclairs/St.
Clairs' ancestor was Rollo s/o Rogenvald of Møre, Romsdal.
She loaned me some books on the folk costumes (Bunads) of Norway in
which I found the first good map. Get out an atlas now and look at
Norway--mine just shows Norway. I wonder whether the Vikings
realized that their country would someday look something like a dragon's
head or the prow of their ships? Do you see that there is a long neck running
North to South. Down 2/3 of the way it bulges out into a longish
oval like bulge. Just at this point of getting large--where a
necklace would hang, there is a large fiord coming in from the west with
a branch even going upwards. Keep going down the coast which is
now sloping SW a bit and you will see another large fiord.
This fiord cuts right into the center of Møre og Romsdal (does og
mean "of " or "and"?) This district is shaped
like a flattened heart with that large fiord the top inward thrust of
the heart design. I can find Romsdal on other maps but never
Møre. Why is that? What does it signify that it isn't
on a map? The book Sinclairs Family in by
Morrison pg 21 says "Rogenwald, Earl of Maere (since the English
typewriter can't accomodate Ø, it is necessary to express it by
using "ae" only I really thought it should be
"oe". Anyone know for sure?---) and
Ruamdahl in Norway, considering Rogenwald as the 1st generation, and so
marked. He was surnamed "the Rich" and was a
great favorite of King Harold, called "Fairhair," ruler of
Scandinavia. (is that exactly correct? Was all of Scandinavia
united this early, or did he just have the biggest territory, live the
longest, and more active to be noticed by semi-historians? Remember
Finland is not Scandinavian. Do you know the Finns came from way
over east of the bend in the Volga and their language is
Finno-Ugrian. This makes them related to the Huns, Hungarians,
Turks, and Estonians. And many of us have quite dark hair. I
am 1/2 Finn. The blond Finns probably reflect a Swedish
ancestry. So they had no linguistic connection to Danish,
Swedish nor Norwegian. Finland has never had a king except later
when Sweden or Russia was in charge)"His (Rogenvald) wife was a near
relative of the king. In 888 he received a grant of the Orkney
Islands, and his son, Eynär became a permanent prince there, and
which his descendants ruled for five centuries." (this letter
"ä" seems to be a Swedish letter and not Norweigen.
Did Morrison get mixed up or did he want to use the æ but
couldn't? Or perhaps Eynär is a Swedish name. Any
linguists out there? I know that at a very early time, it was hard
to distinuish between people from these three countries because many
times they had the same ruler. Back to the Folk
costumes. They are gorgeous but I was sad to find out that what I
saw in these books and what we see in the media only reflect costumes
developed from faded swatches and rememberances of people around
1900. It reminds me that the tartans worn today that are
associated with a particular clan, would have been foreign to Prince
Henry and even to John of Exeter who arrived here around
"The early Tartans were associated with a particular district
-World Book Encyclopedia" ---(which could also mean with a
particular family maybe, since families had their territory that they
were identified with??) but it might also mean that when you moved away
from your ancestrial territory to elsewhere in Scotland, that it would
be expected that you would then wear the tartan of the new
district. "Later they were used to identify the
chief clan or family of an arrea. Extra lines were added to some
designs to show the wearer's rank." But then maybe people
didn't do much moving?? I bet that these questions would have been
covered in the Tartan Symposium at the NH Highland games, right?
I'm struggling with this tartan concept. But I can't read another
book--I have 19 of them waiting for me right now! Just finished
"Using Microsoft Windows 98" now isn't that