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Re: Bagpipes
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
Hi Toni, just going through the email when I came across yours. Sorry for
the delay, but between digging out the snow drifts and working the time
slipped. I will be in Peterborough on Feb 1st for a few hours. I will be
waiting for my mother in law to finish an appointment and could try to find
the info for you. I know the city pretty good as it's where I was born, and
I spent two years going to college there. Let me know okay? If you don't
still have my email its bsinclar@eagle.ca. Regards, Brian Sinclair,
Cobourg, Ontario
> From: Antonia Sinclair <asflwr@cujo2.icom.ca>
> To: sinclair@zilker.net
> Subject: Bagpipes
> Date: January 10, 1999 11:48 PM
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
> [ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> -------
> Hello Marilyn
> Since you and I live a reasonable distance from Buffalo, I assume that we
both get PBS broadcast service from either ch 17 or 23. I wasn't able to
find the program everyone was discussing regarding the Bagpipes listed
today. Did you
> catch it? I would dearly love to see it.
> How are you making out with your research? Just when I was ready to give
up on my Neil S. and accept the fact that he was born, but I would never
find out when, where, and the son of whom - I was surfing the net,and found
the little newspaper from the Isle of Islay. In it they have a book review
of Islay
> related books, and one was by a Dr. Storrie about the island, and
> she had visited the village of Islay, Ontario while doing her research on
> islanders who left. Well, that is where our Sinclairs first settled, so
I am
> ordering the book, and will try to correspond with the author to exchange
> information. Never give up!
> Here is another suggestion for you. You could try to write the Chamber
of Commerce or public library in the area where your ancestors were at a
particular time and ask if there are any local books written about the
people of that time. In the area of Islay, Ontario, there were several
books written by local people about neighbouring towns and townships.
I've collected some of them, and there is always a bit of information.
When I found out that 2 of Neils sons were drowned while trying to
transport an Anglican minister across a river in 1847, I was able to find a
paragraph about the minister in one of the books. It gave the name of the
newspaper in Peterborough which ran the story. I'm planning to go up to
P. soon to try to get a copy. Because both sons were unmarried, it
> might mention something about their parents. You never know!
> Good luck with your research.
> Toni
> [
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