-----Original Message-----
From: WILLIAM F. ST. CLAIR <wfs@sullybuttes.net> To: Sinclair jump <sinclair@jump.net,> Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 9:08 PM Subject: Ancestor search Dear cousins,
I am a bit confused, may have sent this letter in caps
1/21/99, it probably did not go thru as I am netneophyte. How enjoyable to
read all the messages from cousins zipping about the globe. We are
descendants of Isaac Page St. Clair, born 3/10/1832 at Topsham Me. He md. Ruth
Ann Frost of Lisbon Me. at Concord Nh. 11/24/1852. He was son of Joseph
Sinclair who is shown to be born at Greene Me. 3/1/1802. we have been to Greene
and can find no trace whatever of his ever being there in any shape, just
nothing! Madeline Mc Donald, a pro. genealogist found two of his infant
sons buried at the old Lewiston cemetary at Topsham Me. Joseph md. Dorcas Page
from Litchfield Me. or Nh. 1/24/1842. He is the son of James Sinclair bn.
1/29/1770 at Topsham Me. md. Priscilla ? From this point back it becomes a
leap of faith back to Robert Sincklar or Robert Pike Sincklar bn. 1730 or 1745
(there were two about the same time that will fit) he md.
Susanna Thorne 8/20/1770. Then back to Samuel>James>
John Sinkler #1 of Exeter Nh. They all had Boo Coo`s of kids, Help!
Help! Wm. Frost St.