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[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
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From: "Kay Wilson" <kwwilson@silverlink.net>
To: <sinclair@jump.net>
Cc: <jean@hadpad.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Sinclair Guest Book Entries: Need advice
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:20:06 -0800
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Dear Jean,
I came across your "un-subscribe" message while going through my email after
having been out of town to welcome a new Sinclair descendant into the world
(mom, dad and little Adam are doing fine, thanks!).
At the risk of repeating what many others have said so well, I just want to
let you know that I value the Scottish connection you can offer, and look
forward to the day I can track my Sinclair back to Scotland so I can learn
more about his origins.
All I know so far is that Daniel SINCLAIR was born in 1794 somewhere in
Scotland, and by 1850 he was in Ohio, having married a Sarah KING from
Virginia and fathering 10 children. At this point I hope to connect with
other Ohio Sinclair researchers, and perhaps Virginia King researchers to
uncover more clues as to his origins.
Perhaps you could comment on whether there are indexes that could help
locate a Scottish emmigrant when you don't know what part of Scotland he
was from or what age he was when he left?
Best wishes,
Kay Wilson
Bremerton, Washington, USA
> From: Jean Haddow <jean@hadpad.demon.co.uk>
> To: sinclair@jump.net
> Subject: Re: Sinclair Guest Book Entries: Need advice
> Date: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 12:47 PM
> -I am about to " unsubscribe" I don't feel that anyone wants really to
hear from
> Sinclairs who are actually still living in Scotland for goodness sake ie-
> feel very sad about this but there it is - I am a Sinclair and proud to
be so
> and yet no one seems to want to connect with us in Scotland. I am a
graduate of
> Edinburgh University, twice, and reasonably literate. But - no Sinclair
> communicates with me despite my messages from Scotland. My family in
Canada and
> the US would love to hear from people but it seems we don't exist -
possibly not
> grand enough? Or just too Scottish,
> so To major@zilker.net
> unsubscribe sinclair
> Jean Haddow
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