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Re: Laurel: Tall Tale
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
I've been working on this girl friend of James II but the few books that I
have on that era don't go into much detail. Here is a bit about his early
James was only 12 (b. 14 Oct 1633) when the city of Oxford in which he had
been brought up, surrendered to the Parliamentarians and the Prince himself
was taken as a prisoner to St. James's Palace in London. In April 1648 (now
15 yrs old) he managed to escape dressed as a girl and found his way to his
sister Mary in Holland. Afdter his father's execution (Charles I) he was
appointed Lord High Admiral by his brother, but Charles II refused to allow
him to sail with the fleet. Instead James was commissioned as an officer in
the French army. By the time he was 21, he had been promoted to
Lieutenant-general. He distinguished himself as a solder, and his conduct
was commended by the French marshal Turenne. He went on to serve in the
Spanish army against the French and English republicans in 1658 (whatever
that means). During this time he had signed a secret contrat of marriage
with Anne Hyde.....
Now there is every possibility that as a prisioner for 3 years in St.
James Palace, he would have met many of the ladies of the court or otherwise
and this alliance with a Sinclair (with that spelling, was she
Scottish/Catholic? James was Catholic) woman could have happened. These
political prisioners were sometimes living in sort of "house arrest" but
carried on normally within the walls of the building. When he escaped, he
would have had to have had many people along the way to help him. Perhaps
the Sinclair woman was able to assist in this or he used her to gain his
freedom. Well that's about the best I can do reading between the few lines
that I have found.
-----Original Message-----
From: GDSinclair@aol.com <GDSinclair@aol.com>
To: sinclair@jump.net <sinclair@jump.net>
Date: Saturday, February 20, 1999 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Laurel: Tall Tale
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
>[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
>In a message dated 2/19/99 6:36:26 AM Pacific Standard Time,
><< Sinclair woman had illegitmate child of James the Second of
> England and ended up going to France with him when he was exiled. Sinclair
> changed to St. Clair there.
> Got any ideas? There are hints of a possibility in some of the history
> I've been reading, but no specific referrence.
> Johnnye in Omaha, Nebraska >>
>You can find the origin of the Sinclair/St.Clair name from the Sinclair
>Website.Gary D.
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