John Q,
I think you've done great--sticking the instructions on every
page! Maybe put the line that says for subscription, unsub, etc. at the
top of the page instead of the bottom--otherwise, I don't see how you could make
it any clearer!
Having said that, I would interested in
connecting with anyone who has information about or is a descendant of the
1) Colin Sinclair who died in Richmond or
Robeson County, North Carolina between 1790-1800.
2) Elias Sinclair who was taxed in Richmond
County, NC in 1793.
3) John Sinclair taxed in
Bladen County, NC in 1784 and in the Bladen, NC census of 1790.
Thanks to all!
Karen M
[ This is the
Sinclair family discussion list, [ For more
information, see -------
<> Received: from by ( [])
(8.9.0/jump.1.11) id HAA17407; for <>
Tue, 2 Mar 1999 07:10:10 -0600 (CST) Received: from
by ( [])
(8.9.1/jump.1.11) id HAA07313; for <> Tue, 2 Mar 1999
07:10:36 -0600 (CST) Received: from (localhost
[]) by (8.9.2/8.9.2) with ESMTP id
HAA17012 for <>; Tue, 2 Mar 1999
07:10:34 -0600 (CST) Message-Id: <> From:
"John S. Quarterman" <> To: In-reply-to: Your
message of "Tue, 02 Mar 1999 06:32:44
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 07:10:34 -0600 Sender:
>I do not want to
remove myself from this list. However, I have had
difficulty >removing myself from other lists that weren't what I
thought they were. My >experience may not apply to this
It applies, as one among several related
>Sometimes when we subscribe to a list, the server or
'thing-ma-bob' (precise >computer terminology) that sorts and sends us
our mail actually has a >different address than what we see.
Periodically the computer techie or guru >or system administrator
makes a subtle change in that technical address. The
Permit me
to clarify here that I believe you're referring to the
system administrator with the subscriber's ISP or company. I don't
change anybody's address on the list without asking.
keeps sending the subscriber info which the 'thing-ma-bob' recognizes
as >no longer the current address but is smart enough to internally
change the >address so the subscriber keeps getting mail without
knowing that the subtle >difference even exists. The problem
arises when the subscriber attempts to >unsubscribe and sends the
appropriate message to the list. The list 'thing- >ma-bob' can't
find the subscriber's internal numeric address on its list.
The >gist of this long winded explanation is that it often takes some
searching >through all that gobble-do-gook at the end of your message
to determine how >the list recognizes the subscriber and to mail the
request to unsubscribe with >an explanation to that effect.
do sometimes see that kind of problem. It's usually fairly easy to
We also sometimes see the related phenomenon when a subscriber
wants to change an address for this or another reason. The only
tricky part is that the list owner (me, in this case) can't necessarily
tell which address the list subscriber wants to use to subscribe, so
the subscriber has to say which. The easiest way to say which is
simply to unsubscribe with the old address and resubscribe with the new
>I am quite confident that I have confused and confounded as
many readers as >possible. It was not my intent,
but......maybe I have helped somebody.
The kind of problem
that I was noting was when someone simply doesn't follow the instructions
at all. I really don't know how to make the instructions more
obvious for this list. I'm already cluttering up every message with
them. Since even that apparently isn't sufficient, I'm thinking of
trimming the appended headers and footers to reduce the
If anybody does think of a better idea, please let me
know. In the meantime, back to our regularly scheduled
genealogizing and the like.
>Connie in Missouri
Good to
hear from you.
John [ [ This is the Sinclair family discussion
list, [ For
subscription, unusubscription, or other instructions, see [ [
or send mail to
with this single line in the body: [ info sinclair [ [ To
unsubscribe, send a message like
this: [ [
To: [ [
unsubscribe sinclair [