Fellow enthusiasts:
In my young age(?), I have learned that respect
and trust are matters that can never be bought, they must be earned. I
have also learned that integrity is a mark of the capacity to examine and then
act upon the moral evaluations we make in life. I have been honoured from the
communications, trust and knowledge that other members of the Sinclair net/list
have bestowed upon me. I have been personally enriched by individuals like John
that offer all of us this service because of a higher purpose. I have learned
from all that haved shared so freely on this medium and have hopefully I been
able to contribute from time to time to the quality of information as has been
Now I was so pleased to hear that Mrs Matheson's
work on her ancestor "Peter Sinclair of Chatham
Cty " has been completed. This has been an
effort of love that has taken considerable years in the formulation and has a
higher purpose. No one produces any work of love without putting a lot of
themselves into it. I know that she has done so. The costs for reproduction and
postage are nominal and not everyone can afford to manufacture and send off
unlimited information without breaking even for their own expenses. I have no
doubt that the information and format will be an inspiration for generations of
Sinclairs & Mathesons and others to come.
I understand the feelings of anger and
fustration when members who have worked on a labour of love for years feel that
their research has been taken without acknowledgement or appreciation. This is
clearly wrong. The fine work of individuals like Ms. Grimsby who have retrieved
and stored information over her lifetime have, and will continue to, benefit
generations to come. However I also I have known Ms. Matheson for a long
time and she is one of the finest professionals in the geneological field, a
talented writer and a stickler for accuracy, truth and detail. She posesses
total integrity. She is inspired in her work by spiritual purpose and the
ability to give of herself and her insights freely and without hesitation. With
the able assistance of a small network of friends and fine historians and
writers and researchers on this list she is editing for us, an original piece of
work which will be given to the clan associations and to the Sinclairs as a
whole. We all labour in love of the story we are collectively discovering and
And individuals like Jean that so carefully
through the years stored information are to be greeted with a big thank you of
This prompts me to articulate as both a lawyer,
and writer (as well as an individual who was honored to be born with the name
Sinclair), some of the common sense guidelines and insights that may help clear
confusion for some. First of all, no one goes into personal genealogical
research or historical research for profit. We do it out of a sense of
caring, and sharing of all those experiences and individuals which through their
lives contributed to the nobility of what followed. Perhaps we recognize
that which has gone before, having value needs to be passed down. I know
it is the purpose of many of our friends here to do just that. There are many
historians in our midst that are nothing short of remarkable researchers and
story tellers.
I am astounded and very greatful that the Mormon
Church (LDS) has undertaken at its own expense to "connect" much of
mankind. Without embarking on any theological tangent, how wonderous at the dawn
of the millinieum to have an organization which connects individuals from around
the world with one another and values the importance of those men and wormen
that have gone before us. How many individuals have discovered their identity
and roots because of this fine organization. Commit Thy Work to God, has many
Now here are some helpful practices that I use wearing the
"authors" hat. ;
1. If work is copyrighted, I seek permission of the
author to use it.
2. If work is not specifically identified in the public domain
as copyrighted, I still ask permission and always acknowledge the contributor
and author. Language and expressions are "copyrightable", Ideas are
not, nor is factual information subject of copyright per se.
3. I collaborate on information always. Please thank you and
appreciation go a long way.
4. If someone has taken the time and effort to contribute
information I acknowledge it when writing.
All good writers do.
5. If I share information written and expressed in a draft
format, I do protect copyright so as to preserve the integrity of the
information before it is published and released. I would hate to publish
anything in a genealogical or historical format that is going to be subject to
revision and amendment because of poor research, expression or inaccuracy.
Having 3 versions of the same thing out in the public is not helpful.
6. When something is published, it should be of the highest
integrity in both terms of accuracy and content. Especially when others may rely
upon it for their own work and understanding. This is academic excellence.
7. Any work or information I publish of an historical or
geneological format is intended to enrich the knowledge and lives of others. If
it is of Sinclair focus and interest, it belongs to everyone interested and will
be given to the archivists, and individuals freely. If I copyright such
expression of information it is only to underline the integrity and accuracy of
the information.
8. Internet information as expressions are also subject to
copyright. Ideas and information are not, and thanks be to those individuals
that make this technology available.
I close in encouraging everyone to share and keep the
information flowing out of appreciation for the purpose for which it was
intended. Roland Michner in his book "The Journey" wrote about
information in this fashion. Paraphrasing what he wrote, when through ones
research you find information, remember to put it somewhere so that it can be
found by someone else. Publish it so that it may be known, and tell people where
it is to be found!
Now if all our ancestors had followed this...we would find it
easier but perhaps less fun !!!???
Praises to all those on the list who continue
to enrich one anothers lives. Salutes to the fine researchers and publishers of
the information like both Karen and Jean and John and Peter, and Toni, Juli,
Rebecca, Wanda, Laurel and Jean and many many more, the list is very extensive.
Yours Aye Yours:
Neil Sinclair
Toronto, PEI, Argyll |