I hated to have to do that. It caused me
great agony and pain which, if you will recall, almost resulted in my going off
the internet and hibernating with my research. The sad thing is that this
is not the first time. You may not recall but I gently said "You
forgot to give your source" the last time when material from my Ohio UPDATE
was used. I had hoped there would not be a repeat, but perhaps I am being
I am home after a horrible night but it was
necessary. There is only so much they can do with the machine and then I
guess I will have to go to a nose,throat,ear surgeon and discuss surgery.
Today I am really down and wondering "Why me?"
Tomorrow I hope to bounce back and finally get
somewhere on the Maryland/Pa families. I actually think I have found one
of the EMIGRANT Williams. It is not yours or the one in Chester Co - who
may or may not be the same - but it will take one branch completely out of the
picture and make many of my subscribers happy as it will be their
Now you know why I am very select in the people I
trust to work with. I was going to do so with another gal who is a WHIZ at
researching and a real marvel at documentation. You can not imagine my
feelings when one of my subscribers traveled to Virginia, found a copy of a
complete article under her name (copied from my earliest out of print
quarterlies) in the historical society library there. Apparently she did
not know how many subscribers and researchers are working with me in this
Archive project. The sad thing is that I had made firm plans to turn over
one complete bookshelf to her to publish that Archive family as it was the one
she descended from.
I'm too tired to do anything today but just got
home and wanted you to know how much I appreciated your note.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 1999 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: Peter Sinclair of Chatham, NC
Dear Jean:
No wonder you are gun-shy about all this. Good for you for speaking
out publicly. I know from music that people don't understand about
propriatory rights. My entire methodology of learning texts of foreign choral
music was copied by a man at the University of Colorado with no
permission, acknowledgment, or licensing from me. That is why I discussed
directly these issues with you up front. It's tough.
At least your email puts others on notice.
I can suggest a patent attorney to you in Austin; I'm not sure she handles
copyrights. I didn't want to pursue my methodology, which, by the way, I had
used with my Womens' Concert Choir at the University of Texas, Austin. I
just wanted the methodology out into academia; there's a world's worth of
music to cover! BUT, I certainly could have used the recognition and
acknowledgment to further the cause of same in my academic field and the
non-profit organization I founded to bring intercultural music to the
forefront of music in education. Almost ten years went into developing
and implementing the method; writing articles, appearing at conferences, and
trying to get grants, hiring translators, etc. I've been there.
Best Regards, Gail
Jean Grigsby wrote:
Karen,I do hope my unpublished book is not included in your works. I
have had numerous persons contact me about material being sent out under two
names who have purchased my books. Yours was one of the names.
The material was verbatum - even the errors. The other person was
named English. I recall her purchasing my book but do not have her
address to ask her to remove my copyrighted book from the LDS internet in
their libraries. The people who sent me the information were stunned
to find my material being flagrantly passed off as the work of
----- Original Message -----
To: Mailing List
SinclairSent: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 1:49 PM Subject:
Peter Sinclair of Chatham, NC My book entitled "Peter
Sinclair of Chatham County, North Carolina" is now available!
This work contains brief biographies of Peter Sinclair, his father David,
and Peter’s children and grandchildren. Also included are
photocopies of original documents, and 21 pages of descendants containing
up to 10 generations. This book is indexed, and contains
footnotes. 80 pages, soft-cover. Cost is $25.00 U.S.
Contact Karen J. Matheson directly at if you are
interested in receiving a