Fellow clan members;
It is said that sad news travels quickly and it seems that such is the case
this morning.. Mary, I thank you for sharing the sad news that Pete Cummings
passed away. I had the wonderful opportunity to get to know him through his web
site, this list and through mailing but I regret I was not able to make it to
Massachussetts last year to meet him in person.
He certainly was a passionate, caring thoughtful individual that loved
history, the sense of community and family and the importance of connecting the
past and the present out of the strong belief that all people, both
both those living and those who have passed away, are connected.
He believed that clans and families are important and that what unites each
of us to one another is stronger that what separates us. During his lifetime he
advanced an understanding of academic history and social importance of families
in a way that will endure. I am sad at the news and will miss dialogues with him
by email. My sympathies will be passed on directly to the family. Thank you for
sharing this information Mary so that each of us can express our gratitude and
A Personal Memoriam:
"Commit thy work to God " were not just words with you Pete.
We remember you, in deepest thanks, Pete Cummings, for the many ways
you shared your heart and passions freely and with the sense of making a
wholehearted contribution to others.
We salute your leadership in, and for, your greater extended family around
the world.
We have been enriched by your many examples of thoughtful
God bless Barbie and your family.
Know that through the generations your contribution will be remembered and
shall go on.
With honour we salute you.
Neil Sinclair-Toronto |