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Re: Scotland, castles
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
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The House of the Northern Gate is I think on the mainland of Scotland
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Haddow <jean@hadpad.demon.co.uk>
To: sinclair@jump.net <sinclair@jump.net>
Date: 09 March 1999 08:03
Subject: Re: Scotland, castles
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
>[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
>In message <19990304013934.14195.qmail@hotmail.com>, Jenny-Louise Coster
><jennycoster@hotmail.com> writes
>>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
>>[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
>>Hi everyone,
>Hi Jenny - I sorry to hear you had the real nasty flu that's going the
>ounds. Anyway you ask about the Castle of Mey - the Queen mother comes
>there every summer.
>It has a beautiful garden - I was taken to see the garden as a child
>and I've seen it since. It is full of plants that should grow in the n
>orth of Scotland.
>>I had the misfortune of having the flu and so stuck at home I started
>>reading over some of the family papers and stuff that mother has.
>>I came across a facinating news paper article from The Sun, Tuesday,
>>June 12th 1956.
>>The article is all about the Queen Mother taking residence at the
>>of Mey. A castle that my own nana always talked of.
>>The article goes on to talk about the Sinclair's and the history of the
>>It also says this story;
>>" A turret-room which used to be sealed up now is just another bedroom.
>>It was said to be haunted by the ghost of a fair young maiden. Legend
>>has it that long ago a daughter of one of the earls was locked in the
>>room because she had fallen in love with a farm worker.
>>From the window she flung herself to death in the courtyard below."
>>I have never heard that story.
>>It also talks about the views of the rocky Caithness coast to the
>>red-cliffted Orkney Islands.
>Yes - the castle looks across the Pentland Firth and the wildest waters
>in northern Europe to Orkney.
>>There is a picture of the castle and little interesting snippets of
>>information about the castle and Caithness and to someone who is not
>>familiar with the castles and Caithness it makes facinating reading.
>>I haven't quite found my link to all of these wonderful places yet but
>>the thrill of knowing that somewhere along the way my ancestors all were
>>apart of such a great country like Scotland.
>>Is anyone able to tell what the relationship was like between the clans,
>>I found an old photo with to Mcleod people in the picture in thier kilts
>>and standing outside a castle?
>Just don't know about the McLeods
>>I heard that the Queen Mother might return the castle to the Sinclair's
>>is this true?
>The reality is that the Queen Mother owns the Castle of Mey, she bought
>it from the family who now live on Orkney at the House of the Northern
>Gate. She actually returns every year in August to the castle which is
>her own home.
>>Just thought it was interesting,
>>Sincerely, Jenny Coster
>>North canterbury, New Zealand
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>Jean Haddow
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