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Re: Caleb Sinclair of the Mier Expedition, 1842
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
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John, you must be a mind reader. That is going to be a research paper in
the next UPDATE. Actually the problem is much greater than just which
Caleb. There are documents of four men claiming that fame - one Caleb and
two others of different names. The Caleb N. born in NY made no such claim.
I will be working with the professionals on this one. The record stating he
was from NY was a military listing written AFTER the expedition and
apparently because he was the only one they could find in military records
after a John filed for the pension. Then they scratched through Caleb and
wrote William so it is going to have to be a state decision. Shame on you
for spoiling my surprise. (just a joke) - see, if you kept in closer
contact you would be "in the know".
Pasqual's are already in DRT and SRT and Caleb's want to be there too. The
local DRT has been after me for years on this so I have finally promised to
get it done.
By the way, if you haven't joined SRT on your Ragland line, I have furnished
all you need to the Alamo library for documentation. I included it in our
Sinkler-Sinclair-St. Clair ADDENDUM 1996 and you just need to refer to the
widow's pension application for the Indian Wars for Jane.
----- Original Message -----
From: John Carpenter <gra_jrc@SHSU.EDU>
To: <sinclair@jump.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 1999 12:48 PM
Subject: Caleb Sinclair of the Mier Expedition, 1842
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
>[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
>My ancestor's brother was Caleb Browning St. Clair (b. ca 1799, d. 25 Aug
>1872), son of John Sinkler/St. Clair (b. ca 1767 in VA, d. ca 1856 in
>Jackson Co AL). Caleb married Harriett Palmer. His brother, my ancestor,
>Paschal Patterson "Pack" St. Clair (b. ca 1801 in Bedford Co VA, d. 187x in
>Oso, Fayette Co TX) who married Eliza Jane Ragland (b. ca 1814 in TN, d. in
>Fayette Co TX).
>I have read several books on the Mier Expedition during 1842-1844. This was
>a force of about 300 from Central Texas who captured the Mexican town of
>Mier on 23 Dec 1842. They were tricked into surrendering after a battle
>25-26 Dec, except for two: Caleb Sinclair and William Chalk. These two hid
>in an outdoor bread baking oven and managed to escape. They made their way
>back to Texas and informed the Texians about what had happened. It was such
>a disgraceful loss for the Texians that their story was initially doubted,
>until later confirmations appeared. After an escape attempt, the captured
>Texians were sentenced to "decimation" in the Black Bean Episode. 159 white
>beans and 17 black beans (10% of 176 men) were mixed in a jar. The Texians
>had to each draw a bean, with those who drew black beans going to the
>squad. Eventually, the last remaining prisoners were released in 1844.
>About half of the books I have read indicate that Caleb Sinclair was from
>Gonzales Co TX. If so, then he was Caleb Browning St. Clair, brother of my
>ancestor. But, other books indicate that Caleb Sinclair was from New York.
>So who was the Caleb Sinclair of the Mier Expedition?
>I owe the majority of my Sinkler/St. Clair information to the research of
>Jean Grigsby -- so thanks Jean!
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