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Hello Cousins
Isn`t it a wonderful time to be alive.
I love History and the wonderful stories of Sinclair Deeds and
I enjoy very much the lively discusions here.
If we are really a family of cousins, some criticism and even some
name calling will not do any permanent damage (except to our ego`s) as long we
remember that families love each other.
We do wonder and marvel at why other people do such strange
things,and talk so weird, but we are not walking in their shoes, so we cannot
know, (and we need to know) unless we listen.
I mailed my application and check for clan membership to Mary
Selver yesterday.
Ken W Sinclair
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 1999 8:10 PM
A recent posting to this list contained the following observation
"There seems to be a lot of thin-skinned members of the Clan
Sinclair, Inc.
on this list, especially when it come to the deeds or misdeeds
of Sinclair
nobility. I hope you have found things different in the actual
I feel motivated to expand on the thought behind this
statement and several
others that have appeared in the past week or so
In our quest for knowledge , some of us seem to lose sight of the
between what is history and open to candid discussion e.g. Rollo
cattle ; Robin Hood was a highwayman while a templar and associated
with the Sinclairs ; Rob Roy also rustled cattle ; the
Rosslyn Sinclairs were
indebted to and fraternized with the gypsies ; and the
Scots , the Picts and
Vikings were savage beyond belief , as
measured by modern standards !!
Who today can relate to a system so
stern as in the example of a Scottish
chief who threatened to disown his
oldest son for being so weak that he dared
to use a rock for a pillow while
sleeping in the heather between battles .
As we also see today , one is
called a patriot or a terrorist depending on
which side is writing the
commentary .
I should also note that most Scots under the clan
system did not divide into
nobility versus commoner but rather as large
families, with the chiefs as
first among equals .
On the other hand ,
an old , but still applicable , definition of a Lady or a
Gentleman was that
"they were one who NEVER by word or deed caused injury to
In our pursuit of our history (geneology ) , it seems that some
of our list
members have not discerned the significant differences between a
calm , candid
discussion of those long dead and their deeds(or misdeeds ) and
the extreme
standards of discretion and care necessary when discussing those
still living
or the families of those recently deceased .That standard is the
one expressed
in the preceding paragraph .
When these standards are
overlooked , the resulting dissension and discussion
is a normal result and
to be expected , althought certainly not desirable .
I might also add ,
that curiosity is not an excuse -- our host for the list
termed it
as " tacky " if my memory is correct .
I personally
hope that our future discussions on the list are " lively " but
"acrimonious" , as in several recent discussions , Perhaps if we
the concept of a clan as an extended family it will all fall into
place if
anyone is unsure of how ( or if ) to proceed .
regards to all,