The mention of the Baptist
faith in Scotland surprised me. I had never heard of its presence before
in Scotland. Interesting! The Baptist faith became hugely prevalent
in the southern United States of America in the 1800s. Although I've read
of Gaelic preaching being done as late as 1860 in North Carolina in the
Presbyterian (Scottish) congregations, the Baptist faith had become the
predominant faith in the South (as far as numbers). However, America had a
huge "religious revivalist" movement in the first half of the 1800s,
and various religions popped up everywhere--and in many varieties and
forms. Each family member may have belonged to a different
congregation! And they changed and converted maybe several times in their
lives. I don't believe you could use family connections to any particular
religion as an indicator, at least in the SOUTHERN United States.
I can offer a brief synopsis from a history I recently read
regarding the early beginning of Protestantism. (Dorothy B. Sutherland,
Enchantment of the World: Scotland. Chicago: 1985)
Mary, Queen of Scots, was raised and educated in France from
the age of 6, in agreement with her betrothal to the Dauphin. Meanwhile,
"the leaders of the Catholic church had long been rich and corrupt,"
which paved the way for religious reform. John Knox was a fiery preacher
who first was mentioned in 1544. He became an enemy of Mary. In 1557
a group of Scottish nobles drafted the First Covenant, which renounced the
Catholic church.
Mary married the Dauphin in 1558 and he became King in
1559. Back in Scotland, John Knox was triumphant in his attempt to wipe
out all traces of Roman Catholic ceremonies--celebration of Christmas and Easter
were abolished, and Holy Communion was rarely observed.
Mary was widowed shortly hereafter at age 18 and returned to
Scotland--a Catholic, of course! She then created scandal after scandal
with husband, lover, mysterious deaths, etc. At age 24, in 1567, Mary was
captured by Protestant nobles. She was forced to abdicate the thrown to
her one-year-old son, James. She fled to cousin Elizabeth who, of course,
imprisoned and eventually beheaded Mary in 1587.
James (who assumed the throne in 1583) was a Protestant, but
he did not oppress the Catholics. However, he had difficulties with the
ruling officials of the Scottish Church--called the Presbytery--who tried to
have a part in the government of Scotland. King James version of bible is
named after this James, who authorized its translation. After James died and was succeeded by his son Charles in 1625, Charles
tried to impose the Episcopalianism, the English form of Protestantism.
Enter Cromwell, the Scots Covenanters, the Cavaliers, and the Roundheads...
Much religious warring!
Just adding my two cents worth,
Karen M