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Re: Headstones - Islay
Dear Toni;
If others have wisdom, information, knoledge, speculation or genealogy to
share we all welcome and invite this. Argyll however is not of particular
interest to most on the Sinclair list just the few of us. Now that your
dates go back to 1749 is interesting. I will send more directly later. Happy
planting! Neil
-----Original Message-----
From: Antonia Sinclair <asflwr@cujo2.icom.ca>
To: sinclair@jump.net <sinclair@jump.net>
Date: 23 March, 1999 9:01 PM
Subject: Headstones - Islay
>Hello Juli, it's nice to have you back, and to read about your explorations
among the cemeteries in Argyll. It induced me to dig out the records of our
>sluething in Islay 2 years ago, so I'll add this to the list:
>In the Kilarrow Parish Graveyard, on the Islay estate, Bridgend (this later
became known as Bowmore Parish)
>"To the memory of Duncan Sinclair of Glenmachry who died 1845, aged 30
years, and his mother, Mary Darrach.
>Here lies the Remains of John Sinclair, late tenant of Curaloch, died March
16, 1831 aged 71 years., and Effie Clark, his spouse died Dec. 11, 1846,
aged 76 years.
>In loving memory of Catharine sinclair who died at Glenmachrie, March 25,
1873, aged 3 years.
>Malcolm sinclair, steamer agent and postmaster, who died at Port Ellen Aug.
16, 1900, age 33 years.
>daughter and son of Alexander Sinclair, late tenant farmer, Glenmachrie
>1674 R P
> I S
>This is the burying place of John Sinclair, residenter in Bowmore. Also
here lies his father Archibald Sinclair, who died 1749 age 35 years
>This is Archibald Sinklar's burial place 1756"
>The last three slabs are side-by-side, actually touching. I have no idea
what the 1674 slab is about.
>Just thought you might be interested in the fact that the Islay Sinclairs
>there quite early in the Argyll history. I can't identify any of them as
>our branch.
>Just for the record, Neil, the Archibald I wrote to you about earlier from
>Mullindry Farm is no relation to our Neil from Neriby farm. The farms were
across the lane from one another, but I cannot find a connection. None of
Neil's children or grandchildren were named Archibald. Neil's wife,
>and her family lived on Neriby farm, so I guess Neil lived there after they
>Have to go study. Heavy horticultural course on this week. I know it
>fluffy, but the course is gruelling. It's been going on since 1997, and by
>end of this year, I'll be a certified judge. (If I'm not certified
>Hope you all have a better week!
>PS - Are we interested in opening up this group to other Sinclairs who are
researching Argyll Sinclairs? I know that Rick Sinclair (cnd hound@aol
something or other), Myra Pyrala, and Larry Fowler are all Argyll Sinclairs
>PPS Sorry to everyone who isn't specifically interested in the Argyll
group, but
>my mesage wouldn't go through the normal channel. T.
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
>[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html