I have tried to find that old book with addresses
but I am not sure that the mailing I did was Sinclair. It was tracing a
female Sinclair and the surname wasn't Sinclair. If you could send me a
copy of the card it might help jog my memory. The Sinclair branch that
went to Washington was traced by a researcher in Wyoming or Montana and I didn't
duplicate her work. My branch was the AUTRY branch.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 22, 1999 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: Washington state mailing
Hi, Jean! Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. We
were preparing for a big barbeque this last weekend and then I ended up with
one hand splinted due to cutting two fingers while preparing fruit slices. The
fruit went into the compost, I went to the emergency room and the family has
taken over all my chores. Except for the ones I can do one handed. Even using
the computer becomes a chore with only one hand!! Remember to thank God for
the use of all your appendages!!! We, Rory and Desiree, are the ones in
Washington State that received your mailing so many years ago. Rory was only 6
then but he is ready now to pursue family history. So, we are back to
searching for our Ernest Norman Sinclair b. 12 Nov. 1879 in Farmington, Mo and
his wife Edna Irene Stammer b. 1 Sept. 1884. His father was Sylvester
Sinclair and mother Adeline Powell. My records list them as born in Mo.
The copy of the letter that I have was written by Edna Stammer Sinclair
dated 1939 and she covered more of the Stammer family (back to Waterloo!) than
the Sinclairs There you have
Desiree Jean Grigsby wrote:
I cannot locate the person who was asking
about a mailing I did long ago related to my quarterlies to Sinclair/St.
Clair families in Washington state. Yes, I remember it well - I was
trying to complete one of the branches of my line (Archive Family VA-1) that
migrated through several states and ended up in Washington state. I
was successful and that is one of the 26 unpublished books on my line.
If I can help you, please contact me again. I do not have time
to go through all the messages and apparently the subject line did not say
Washington. I also did a
mass mailing in Virginia when I was working on the two brothers who stayed