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Re: Sinclair Genealogist
Oh John....
I am the Historian. I just can't handle both jobs. Brad is supposed to
be working on getting a genealogists. I keep hoping. There are so many
areas that could use the help so I move across the imaginary line from time
to time not knowing where it really is but my job as I understand it this
year, is to write or find people to write the Yours Aye articles, catalogue
the printed materials (most still at Pete's), and produce a time line.
-----Original Message-----
From: John S. Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>
To: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
Cc: sinclaire@mindspring.com <sinclaire@mindspring.com>; sinclair@jump.net
Date: Saturday, May 08, 1999 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: Sinclair Genealogist
>Welcome to the list, Niven.
>>Pete Cummings was our genealogist but, alas, is now dead. Brad Sinclair
>>Barker, our new President for the United States, has appointed Laurel
>>as the new genealogist and I know that Brad and Laurel will welcome your
>>undoubted skills and knowledge in undertaking this daunting, if absorbing,
>Laurel seems like a good choice to me; I've been working with her
>some time on the web pages.
>>With regards to articles about distinguished Sinclairs, I intend to do
>>a series on this subject (time permitting) and have already sent our
>>Editor, Sindy Barker, a piece on General Sir John St Clair who played
>>an important role in the French and Indian Wars in the 'American
>>Colonies'. We have a whole string of Admirals and Generals we can
>>write about and you may be interested to know that both Field Marshall
>>Viscount Alexander of Tunis and Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery of
>>Alamein (who were the outstanding British Generals in the last war) had
>>Sinclair blood in their veins.
>That's good news. If someone else is doing the work of writing up the
>text, putting it it in web pages becomes much easier. I would still
>prefer that someone else handle those particular web pages, since I'm
>reaching my limit for the amount of work I can do on web pages, but if
>nobody else volunteers, I will handle what you send until someone does.
>>Similarily, there were two Sinclairs in Churchill's war-time Cabinet.
>>Sir Archibald Sinclair* who had the key post as the "Minister for Air"
>>and Dr Hugh Macdonald Sinclair who advised Churchill on the nation's
>>diet which was almost of equal importance. Hugh, who I knew,
>>eventually set up the International Nutrition Foundation (now being run
>>by Reading University as Hugh joined his ancestors some ten years ago)
>>and Sir Archibald (who was a close friend of John H. Sinclair, the
>>grandfather of Donald Henderson Sinclair of California and a relation
>>of the Reverend John Henderson Sinclair of Minnesota) who became the
>>1st Viscount Thurso. Both men came from the Ulbster Branch of the
>>Sinclair family - a Branch which has produced more than its fair share
>>of distinguished men plus a few eccentrics who added a bit of color to
>>life. One notable Ulbster Sinclair was Sir John Sinclair who founded
>>the Department of Agriculture under William Pitt, the Younger. He was
>>a friend of Washington with whom he carried on a voluminous
>>correspondence which I have in book form in my library.
>>I will stop now before you begin to think that I've already embarked
>>upon another article. There is just so much fascinating material that
>>it is difficult to know where to begin or, in the case of this e-mail,
>>where to stp.
>If you can think of that many interesting relatives off the top of your
>we all have a real treat in store as you gear up to write these pieces.
>I'm looking forward to it.
>Once again, welcome to the list.
>John Sinclair Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
>[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html