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Re: girnigoe/sinclair
Hi Chris
Back with you again. As I said in my e/mail the video I have made is for the
British video system, Will it work on your system?
I know that your system will not work over here, having purchased two films
from the U.S.A and failed hopelessly to see anything. Perhaps you can get
the film copied into your format, let me know.
Yours Aye
Ian Sinclair
----- Original Message -----
From: neisha d gooden <ndsg@eudoramail.com>
To: <sinclair@jump.net>
Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: girnigoe/sinclair
> Hello Ian,
>My name is Chris Gooden and I reside in the U.S. I must admit I'm a little
envious that you are so fortunate to live on Sinclair Bay. What a beautiful
view you must have! I would be so pleased to have a copy of the tape you
made. I'm not concerned with the proffesional quality of the tape. I think a
rustic view of the castles is very appropriate. My only concern is that I
won't be patient enough to wait until Grandma's birthday to watch it. She is
going to be so thrilled!!
>My address is
>CK Gooden
>1130 W Skylight Rd.
>Salem IN 47167
>Just let me know about shipping charges. I'm so pleased with all the
wonderful responses I've recieved. I can hardly wait to recieve them!! Have
a wonderful day and I'm looking forward to hearing from you again.
>Sincerly, CK
>On Fri, 14 May 1999 11:11:24 Ian Sinclair wrote:
>>Sorry I do not know your name or which country you hail from, but my name
>>Ian Sinclair from Noss Head Lighthouse next door to the castles. Some time
>>ago we took a video of all the castle features from the dungeons to the
>>of Sinclair chimney. It is in the English format and very unprofessional
>>its presentation yet non the less interesting. I could send you a copy if
>>you let me have your address.
>>Best wishes
>>Yours Aye
>>Ian Sinclair
>>[Archivist Sinclair Study Centre]
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: ckgooden <ndsg@eudoramail.com>
>>To: <sinclair@jump.net>
>>Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 10:18 PM
>>Subject: girnigoe/sinclair
>>>Hello all! Just wondering if anyone possibly had any video footage of
>>castles girnigoe and sinclair.
>>>It is a most impressive ruins and I don't believe a photo could possibly
>>it justice. I would be happy to pay for a copy of the tape.
>>>It is mostly for my grandmother who has held a fascination of the castles
>>for many years. Her birthday is coming up soon and I can't think of a
>>gift than to let her see the castles as if she was there.
>>>Whenever I see something that might interest her on the mailing list I
>>print it out for her. Her grandmother was Mary Elizabeth Sinclair-Deal.
>>We're both fascinated by the Sinclair lineage and enjoy the information on
>>the list.
>>>Thank you all for a wonderful mailing circle. Happy Spring!! CK
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