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Re: girnigoe/sinclair
I remember seeing a dual video recorder that accepted
ALL formats advertised in a catalogue about 2 years
ago. Unfortunately I do not remember which catalogue
it was, but there are definitely machines that will
do that. With the one I saw you could insert a PAL
format tape in one side and a VCR format tape in the
other and copy the one to the other. Good luck on
finding it. I do remember being tempted by it but it
was way out of my price range, around $900.00 US if I
remember correctly. I think it might have been a JVC
---neisha d gooden <ndsg@eudoramail.com> wrote:
> Hello Ian,
> Actually, I was hoping to do just that. There has
to be someway to convert the format. I will try to
contact some different sources and see what I can
find out.
> Talk with you soon, CK
> --
> On Sun, 16 May 1999 15:37:54 Ian Sinclair wrote:
> >
> >Hi Chris
> >Back with you again. As I said in my e/mail the
video I have made is for the
> >British video system, Will it work on your system?
> >I know that your system will not work over here,
having purchased two films
> >from the U.S.A and failed hopelessly to see
anything. Perhaps you can get
> >the film copied into your format, let me know.
> >Yours Aye
> >Ian Sinclair
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: neisha d gooden <ndsg@eudoramail.com>
> >To: <sinclair@jump.net>
> >Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 6:44 PM
> >Subject: Re: girnigoe/sinclair
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Hello Ian,
> >>My name is Chris Gooden and I reside in the U.S.
I must admit I'm a little
> >envious that you are so fortunate to live on
Sinclair Bay. What a beautiful
> >view you must have! I would be so pleased to have
a copy of the tape you
> >made. I'm not concerned with the proffesional
quality of the tape. I think a
> >rustic view of the castles is very appropriate. My
only concern is that I
> >won't be patient enough to wait until Grandma's
birthday to watch it. She is
> >going to be so thrilled!!
> >>My address is
> >>CK Gooden
> >>1130 W Skylight Rd.
> >>Salem IN 47167
> >>USA
> >>Just let me know about shipping charges. I'm so
pleased with all the
> >wonderful responses I've recieved. I can hardly
wait to recieve them!! Have
> >a wonderful day and I'm looking forward to hearing
from you again.
> >>Sincerly, CK
> >>--
> >>
> >>On Fri, 14 May 1999 11:11:24 Ian Sinclair wrote:
> >>>
> >>>Hi,
> >>>Sorry I do not know your name or which country
you hail from, but my name
> >is
> >>>Ian Sinclair from Noss Head Lighthouse next door
to the castles. Some time
> >>>ago we took a video of all the castle features
from the dungeons to the
> >top
> >>>of Sinclair chimney. It is in the English format
and very unprofessional
> >in
> >>>its presentation yet non the less interesting. I
could send you a copy if
> >>>you let me have your address.
> >>>Best wishes
> >>>Yours Aye
> >>>Ian Sinclair
> >>>[Archivist Sinclair Study Centre]
> >>>----- Original Message -----
> >>>From: ckgooden <ndsg@eudoramail.com>
> >>>To: <sinclair@jump.net>
> >>>Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 10:18 PM
> >>>Subject: girnigoe/sinclair
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Hello all! Just wondering if anyone possibly
had any video footage of
> >>>castles girnigoe and sinclair.
> >>>>It is a most impressive ruins and I don't
believe a photo could possibly
> >do
> >>>it justice. I would be happy to pay for a copy
of the tape.
> >>>>It is mostly for my grandmother who has held a
fascination of the castles
> >>>for many years. Her birthday is coming up soon
and I can't think of a
> >better
> >>>gift than to let her see the castles as if she
was there.
> >>>>Whenever I see something that might interest
her on the mailing list I
> >>>print it out for her. Her grandmother was Mary
Elizabeth Sinclair-Deal.
> >>>We're both fascinated by the Sinclair lineage
and enjoy the information on
> >>>the list.
> >>>>Thank you all for a wonderful mailing circle.
Happy Spring!! CK
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
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> >>>
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> >>
> >>
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