Sinclair Inn
{232 St. George Street}
Box 503, Annapolis Royal, NS B0S 1A0
(902) 532-7754
Sinclair Inn is a rare example of early 18th-century frame construction. Built at the end of the French regime (1710) and
operated by Frederick Sinclair as a tavern/inn during the 1780s, the building has undergone many phases of renovation, so that
it now documents nearly 300 years of architectural history. Come view this unrestored treasure!
Operated by Historic Restoration Society of Annapolis County
Contact: John Kirby, Executive Director
(902) 532-7754 or 532-2068 (res.)
or Harry Jost, Past President
(902) 532-2395 (work) or 532-5854 (res.)
Hours: June 1-September 1
daily, as posted
Admission: free, donations welcome