Kathy - it's me
again. I pulled all of my Shetland line out to make an attachment for you
to look at and think about. It doesn't look to me as though this line will
catch any of your fish, but you may get some other ideas on a search from seeing
what one patriarch produced on a small croft on a small island. My advice
would be to read yourself into the Shetland picture; get a good map of the
Shetland island system and mark the places your family were liviing, and compare
with these ancestors of my friend in Fremantle. Click on the Orkney flag
(orange and yellow) on our Sinclair website http://www.mids.org/sinclair/ and
look at the New sections. Ask around to see if anyone has started a
website for Shetlanders (I don't see one yet), and find out how someone with all
of the information you have can access some records. I know how this can
be accomplished in Edinburgh or Glasgow, or even Caithness, but I don't know
what resources are available in the Orkney's. Perhaps someone who reads
this can tell you how to get birth-marriage-death data on Shetland people.
Whatever you do, don"t give up the ship -
you really have a lot of good information on the family and should be able to
find more. The Sinclair is an excellant source of information on Sinclairs
in general. and how it all came about. Let your fingers do the
walking at http://www.mids,org/sinclair/
There is lots of information out there, hope you find something
soon. Cheers, Ray
Thomas Sinclair of Skelberry.doc