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Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 08:46:45 +0100
To: "Spirit One Email" <laurel@spiritone.com>
From: Niven Sinclair <transport@niven.co.uk>
Subject: Re: address
Cc: Ian Sinclair - Manchester <iansinclair@nosshead.freeserve.co.uk>,
jsq@mids.org, sinclair@mids.org,
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At 19:22 07/06/99 -0700, you wrote:
> Here is my address:
>Laurel Fechner
>5108 SW Nevada CT
>Portland, OR 97219
>I have been unsuccessful today at getting into the main website. All I get
>is Mary's new site which I have not yet put into my Favorites list. Even
>when I bypass the Favorites and put in John's website, I still get Mary's.
>I was trying to access the information that you had sent in. So I thank you
>for what you are sending.
> Many people have through the years read much of what is being sent on
>the the discussion line. That tells the simple story as you say of this
>family. I view history as more complex and like to expand the story so that
>people can understand what historical events were going on that shaped
>their lives. I don't see people as living in a vacuum. I'm sure most
>people agree with that.
Indeed, I do.
We have to understand the religious, political and economic forces which
shaped our past
and, more paticularly, the great family dynasties which were being forged
through marriage
alliances No-one, for example, can suppose that Knut nedded to marry Emma
(St Clair) who
was the relict of Ethelred. He could have had any nubile female but, then,
that nubile female
would not have cemented racial or territorial relationships.
Marriage was not the lovey-dovey partnership we expect (but seldom get) today.
Prince Henry Sinclair could have taught Queen Victoria a lesson or two.
His 13 children were
married into all the leading Scottish families.
When I was studying our family history, I reached a point when I could
almost predict who was
going to marry whom. Just as we returned to root stock with our Aberdeen
Angus cattle, the
Sinclairs did this every third generation. Many marriages were annulled on
the grounds of consanganuity
but were 'restored' after paying the Church money - an example of this can
be fond with Earl William
Sinclair who, like his father Heny II, married a Douglas. The Sinclairs
and the Stewarts were inextricably
interwoven - more is the pity because it was our adherence to the Stewart
cause and the Catholic religion
(when Protestantism was sweeping Northern Europe) which led to our downfall.
As I have written elsewhere, Bonnie Prince Charlie actually travelled under
the name of Sinclair and used
the Sinclair seal until he was of age.
I'll post some material to you today. I am deeply impressed by the
interest which is being shown in the
Sinclair pages. It augurs well for the Clan and Brad's stint as President.
We must use the internet to
disseminate information and to stimulate a lively interest in family
research. We must embrace the young
because anything we might achieve in our own lifetimes is as naught unless
we can pass on our ideals to
the younger generation.
As I am wont to say: "We are nothing without our roots" and who else have
more enduring roots than
ourselves? If I may quote from the "St Clairs of the Isles" by Roland St
Clair: "No family in Europe beneath
the rank of Royalty boasts a higher antiquity, a nobler illustration or a
more romantic interest than that of
St Clair"
Let us be worthy of our lineage. Let us be worthy of our heritage. True,
it can no longer be measured in
vast acres or in gold and jewels but it can be measured in something which
is much more enduring: Courage,
loyalty, integrity, compassion, example and, dare I say it, humility
because no man can be truly great without
a due measure of humility. Prince Henry had this. And who can look at the
wonders of Nature without being
humble? Earl William Sinclair brought Nature into his Chapel at Rosslyn
because he believed that God and Nature
was ONE. He believed that there had been far too much talk about the
Father on high and far too little concern
about Mother Earth. He believed that every leaf was a word of God. He
understood the necessary balance between
Man's physical and spiritual needs.
With apologies for this dissertation. There are times when my fingers run
away with themselves and the words
which appear on the page are just as fresh to me as I hope they may be to
I hope we will meet up when I visit the States later this year.
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
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- From: "John S. Quarterman" <jsq@mids.org>