What does
"falasise" mean it the quote that you sent?
You are correct my hurried translation was in
error. "Au somme d'une falasise abrupte se dressent les
ruines de Chateau-Galliard, forteresse edifiee par Richard Coeur de Lion au
retour de croisade (1196-1197)."
Guide de La Route Selection de Reader's Digest S.A Paris
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 3:40 AM
Subject: Hold the Fort! --Andelys
> > I have been reading the
description of Richard the Lionhearted's > imprisonment in the book
"Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings" by Amy >
Kelly. This gives almost a day by day discription of the events and at
no > time was Richard in French territory. Richard was moved
from Trifels to > Hagenau. Then Emperor Henry Hohenstaufen sent
for him to be brought to > Worms. There followed a long
negotiations that involved many countries, the > Pope and even
Eleanor, Richard's mother came. "All wept. Henry of >
Hohenstaufen condescdnded grandly; the captive's fetters were unloosed;
the > ransom was conveyed; the hostages were given over, among them
the Archbishop > of Rouen, who had been the queen's stay in so many
crises, her protector on > so many journeyings; and the queen herself,
worn with labor and anguish, > fell weeping into the arms of
Coeur-de-Lion. She wa, as she had sritten to > Pope Celestine,
"worn to a skeleton, a mere thing of skin and bones, the sap >
consumed in her veins, tears all but dried in the fountains of her
eyes.' > All the bystanders let their tears flow at the spectacle of
this aged woman, > the most astute and venerable soverign in Europe,
still at seventy-two a > figure of significance in the counsels of
men, raining her tears on the > bosom of her glorious son. There
may have been in that concourse some > patriarcal bishops who
remembered her as the young Queen of France getting > herself and her
baggage wains over the Rhine in this very city of Minz a >
half-century before on her way to the Holy Land, for she too had been
signed > with the cross; for the hyounger generation the mere sight of
her would > evoke the airs of troubgadours' and minnesingers' sons
that had kept her > name alive in all the intervening time with malice
or with praise." > "the queen and her son
accepted the invitation of the Bishop of Cologne > to spend the end of
the week in the capital of his diocese on their way down > the Rhine
to the sea. In Cologne the prelate did hs best with suptuous >
banquets and valley wines.....From is related that
after > Richard had passed out of Swabia, Henry Hohenstaufen,
stimulated anew by > pressures from Philip of France, repented him of
having so lightly delivered > his captive and sent followers to pursue
and overtake him; and that Philip > cooperated in this plan by placing
ships in the Channel to intercept the > royal party. However
this may have been, the king and queen avoided all > these traps and
came at last to Antwerp.....Richard's admiral, Stephen of > Turnham,
received the travelers on the famous ship Trenchemer.....they made >
their way among the islands by day.....and by night for greater comfort
and > security lay upon a great galley that came out from Rye.
On March 12 ...the > ships bore into the harbor of Sandwich. >
> So he was never in France at that time. But then in 1196 he
returns to > build a fortress upon a peerless height that should
surpass anything yet > seen in Europe. A very mountain of
defiance to obstruct the valley of the > Seine by river and by
road. 2/3 of the distance, as the crow flies from > Paris to the
sea, the river described a deep loop, washing the chalky cliffs > of
an abrupt eminence that offered a panoramic survey of the whole region
to > its remote horizons. This height, the "Rock of
Andelys," had not escaped > the appraising eye of Philip, but it
loomed a few leagues beyond his reach. > The
Angevin genius for building stirred mightly in Coeur-de-Lion as he >
reconnoitered this matchless site. >From the days of his earliest
memory he > had prowled about the massy ancient piles reared by
Foulques the Black, > William the Conqueror, Henry Beauclerc, Geoffrey
the Fair and Henry > Fitz-Empress (Richard's father) on the heights of
Loches, Falaise, Chinon, > and many another dominating lookout.
In the Latin Kingdom he had explored > with Amazement and delight the
newest military construction of the TEMPLARS > and hospitallers at
least in Margab and Acre, Ramleh and Ascalon. >
(info on the construction) "Behold," exclaimed the architect
king to > his amazed liege men at the end of 1196. "how fair my
daughter has grown in > a single year." With raillery he
named the pile "Chateau Gaillard. Saucy > Castle, or
Petulant Castle, it has been called, though the English hardly >
renders the mocking challenge of the French. > > ====== >
The town of Gisors is nearby and this is said about it.
"Gisors, where > once the vast elm had marked the place of parley
between Capetian kings and > the Norman dukes" > >
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