Was this the body guard sent by the French King to Culloden
(Drumossie) who led them in the rearguard action for Charlie to make
good his escape. Had we had a better Prince and someone beside Sullivan what
would have been the outcome. Pehaps there would have been no Empire? No
transportation no spread of good Scots blood.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 4:48
Subject: Re: St Clair sur Epte
At 07:51 08/06/99 +0100, you wrote:
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: Niven Sinclair
- To: laurel@spiritone.com
- Cc: sinclair@mids.org ;
Selvermj@aol.com ; jsq@mids.org ; Ian Sinclair -
Manchester ; Elaine
Sin-Fowler ; sinclair@mindspring.com
- Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 12:13 AM
- Subject: St Clair sur Epte
- If you will be good enough to let me have your address, I will send
you the relevant information on St Clair sur Epte.
- It would appear to be quite simple: Forest - Hermit - Hut - Death
884 - Chapel - Church - Village - Town - Rollo - Treaty of
- St Clair-sur-Epte 912 some 28 years after the death of Clair
(which is the spelling which is used on the three feet high altar
- in the shrine to the hermit).
- The only name which could have existed before the death of the
hermit would have been the name of the forest itself.
- Another account of Clair states that he was born in Scotland (where
else?) and wrote the "Ritual of Divine Duty" and
about 600 A.D
- In the Dictionary of Christian Biography, Vol I (London 1877) there
are notices of nine saints named Clarus. The account
- there states that the Clarus, after whom St Clair-sur-Epte was
named, was a personage of the ixth century and hailed from
- Rochester in Kent. This is the generally accepted
version. It is of little consequence because there is no
suggestion that
- the Sinclairs had any blood connection with any of the Saints.
When surnames came into vogue people simply adopted the
- name of the area in which they lived or, in other cases, the name of
their trade or profession.
- There is another interesting territorial connection because the
Sinclairs became the Governors of Rochester, Dover and Colchester
castles after the Conquest - protecting the gateways to London just as
they protected the gateway to Edinburgh (Rosslyn and Hermandston
Castles) and the gateway to Tunsberg (the then Royal Palace of Norway)
by being Governors of Bergen Castle.
- The Sinclairs had a strategy which transcended national
boundaries. They were, according to a Professor at Moscow State
- University, one of the two most important families in
- Thankfully, there is evidence of a resurgence of interest in our
lineage and in our heritage which can only augur well for the
- We are nothing without our roots. It is knowing our roots
which gives us stability; which allows us to realise and then release
- true potential which lies within each one of us and, with that
knowledge, to forge a better future for all Mankind. "We are too
- I hear people say. Well it has always been the few
who have changed history. Our forefathers did. We may not be
able to do so
- on the same scale but I'm reminded that "If every man could mend a
man, the whole World would soon be mended" which
- brings us back to St Clair who was a great
- Niven Sinclair
- P.S.
- Rollo (as the French know him) or Hrolf 'the Ganger' (which was the
epithet by which he was generally known) which means
- Hrolf 'the Walker' because he was so big that no horse could carry
- If surnames had not come into vogue I wonder what nick-names we
would have? Bill 'the Prophet''? Louisa 'the Torment'?
- - perhaps I'd better stop there before people begin identifying
themselves with my suggestions. I'd prefer to be known as Niven
- 'the Mediator' rather than Niven 'the trouble maker' (Actually
Niven means "little saint" in Gaelic so I am a "little saint St Clair"
- which may have been what my parents were hoping for but which, alas,
they didn't get).
- [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net. [
To get off or on the list, see
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list,
sinclair@jump.net. [ To get off or on the list, see