Yes, I was puzzled that I did not find St. Clare
who was associated with St. Francis of Assisi. I learned about HER when I
called the local St. Clare church.
John and all: When I was searching for
the "real" St Clair several years ago, I came across the book
containing the names of "French Saints" (my term, I forget
the title of the book), and the point was made that these were individuals
which were consecrated by the Norman Church, not the Roman Church.
Only Clare appeared in the book of Roman Saints. I sent a translation
of the French story on Clair to Niven, which he referred to earlier this
month. I don't know what the problems were between the two branches of
Catholic church, but those of Norman persuasion were obviously going their
own way. When someone confirms this, it will clarify the matter for
those who have been attempting to identify our St Clair in Catholic church