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Just read your message, Niven. I've been away from my mail for 5 days.
Your message is beautiful and has deep meaning for me. I feel the same way
of God and nature. Perhaps that is why I have the longing visit Rosslyn.
Although I have felt my Stewart roots in my blood, the more I read of the
Sinclairs, the more I realize the strength of their bloodline. I truly
feel more Sinclair than Stewart. Your message has helped me see why I feel
that way. Thank you. By the way Niven, where in the US will you be
-----Original Message-----
From: John S. Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>
To: sinclair@jump.net <sinclair@jump.net>
Date: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 10:10 AM
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>Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 08:46:45 +0100
>To: "Spirit One Email" <laurel@spiritone.com>
>From: Niven Sinclair <transport@niven.co.uk>
>Subject: Re: address
>Cc: Ian Sinclair - Manchester <iansinclair@nosshead.freeserve.co.uk>,
> jsq@mids.org, sinclair@mids.org,
> sinclairclanchief@girnigoetrust.freeserve.co.uk
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>At 19:22 07/06/99 -0700, you wrote:
>> Here is my address:
>>Laurel Fechner
>>5108 SW Nevada CT
>>Portland, OR 97219
>>I have been unsuccessful today at getting into the main website. All I
>>is Mary's new site which I have not yet put into my Favorites list. Even
>>when I bypass the Favorites and put in John's website, I still get Mary's.
>>I was trying to access the information that you had sent in. So I thank
>>for what you are sending.
>> Many people have through the years read much of what is being sent on
>>the the discussion line. That tells the simple story as you say of this
>>family. I view history as more complex and like to expand the story so
>>people can understand what historical events were going on that shaped
>>their lives. I don't see people as living in a vacuum. I'm sure most
>>people agree with that.
>Indeed, I do.
>We have to understand the religious, political and economic forces which
>shaped our past
>and, more paticularly, the great family dynasties which were being forged
>through marriage
>alliances No-one, for example, can suppose that Knut nedded to marry Emma
>(St Clair) who
>was the relict of Ethelred. He could have had any nubile female but, then,
>that nubile female
>would not have cemented racial or territorial relationships.
>Marriage was not the lovey-dovey partnership we expect (but seldom get)
>Prince Henry Sinclair could have taught Queen Victoria a lesson or two.
>His 13 children were
>married into all the leading Scottish families.
>When I was studying our family history, I reached a point when I could
>almost predict who was
>going to marry whom. Just as we returned to root stock with our Aberdeen
>Angus cattle, the
>Sinclairs did this every third generation. Many marriages were annulled on
>the grounds of consanganuity
>but were 'restored' after paying the Church money - an example of this can
>be fond with Earl William
>Sinclair who, like his father Heny II, married a Douglas. The Sinclairs
>and the Stewarts were inextricably
>interwoven - more is the pity because it was our adherence to the Stewart
>cause and the Catholic religion
>(when Protestantism was sweeping Northern Europe) which led to our
>As I have written elsewhere, Bonnie Prince Charlie actually travelled under
>the name of Sinclair and used
>the Sinclair seal until he was of age.
>I'll post some material to you today. I am deeply impressed by the
>interest which is being shown in the
>Sinclair pages. It augurs well for the Clan and Brad's stint as President.
> We must use the internet to
>disseminate information and to stimulate a lively interest in family
>research. We must embrace the young
>because anything we might achieve in our own lifetimes is as naught unless
>we can pass on our ideals to
>the younger generation.
>As I am wont to say: "We are nothing without our roots" and who else have
>more enduring roots than
>ourselves? If I may quote from the "St Clairs of the Isles" by Roland St
>Clair: "No family in Europe beneath
>the rank of Royalty boasts a higher antiquity, a nobler illustration or a
>more romantic interest than that of
>St Clair"
>Let us be worthy of our lineage. Let us be worthy of our heritage. True,
>it can no longer be measured in
>vast acres or in gold and jewels but it can be measured in something which
>is much more enduring: Courage,
>loyalty, integrity, compassion, example and, dare I say it, humility
>because no man can be truly great without
>a due measure of humility. Prince Henry had this. And who can look at the
>wonders of Nature without being
>humble? Earl William Sinclair brought Nature into his Chapel at Rosslyn
>because he believed that God and Nature
>was ONE. He believed that there had been far too much talk about the
>Father on high and far too little concern
>about Mother Earth. He believed that every leaf was a word of God. He
>understood the necessary balance between
>Man's physical and spiritual needs.
>With apologies for this dissertation. There are times when my fingers run
>away with themselves and the words
>which appear on the page are just as fresh to me as I hope they may be to
>I hope we will meet up when I visit the States later this year.
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
>[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html