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Betty -
It appears that you have unwittingly learned the beauty of this list - post
and they will respond!
You will find that some of the most interesting subjects, to you, to be
discussed on this list are those that you post yourself. The wonder of the
list is that it is not a private conversation - interrupt at anytime with
another topic. We can handle more than one subject matter at one time.
This list is ours and it is, like many things, what we make of it.
I spend a lot of time digging in the records and am happy to share all that
I find - but I am not telepathic and do not know what anyone would be
interested in unless they post their interests. There are over 200 (??) of
us subscribed to the list but only a handful regularly contribute so if
anyone finds the scope of the topics narrow... look to yourselves to liven
things up.
Pat, you so beautifully put into words how I feel about all this. I use my
ancestors to hang the history of time on. I have (I assure you mistakenly)
been called a scholar because I spend a lot of time reading all I can from
historical references to learn about everything from run-rig farming,
Dalriada, drover roads, the history of the potato to my current fixation -
Hearth Taxes ... only to understand the context in which I do find my
ancestors. When historical information from a period of time I am not
currently interested in crosses my screen I either print it out for later
reference or 'X' it out. Easy. I have found though, that it is always that
one piece of paper, that one copy, that one email that I didn't save that I
always end up desperately wanting later on down the road. It is amazing how
our perspective is colored when we are better informed.
Betty, I can understand your difficulty with all this. It is hard to
imagine the importance of all this if you have never been to Scotland or
Normandy or wherever is in question. I can find my way around parts of
Argyll better than the back of my hand - but I have never stepped foot in
Caithness. It is through the generous sharing of others that I have now
seen parts of Scotland I have never seen - learned historical facts never
before known to me. Most importantly though, I have been privileged to
experience the passion so many others have for their ancestors, roots and
the past.
Here is a quote from Robert Louis Stevenson that I like. Sorry to any
Englishmen or others - no offense meant.
"For that is the mark of the Scott of all classes: that he stands in an
attitude towards the past unthinkable to Englishmen, and remembers and
cherishes the memory of his forebears, good or bad; and there burns alive
in him a sense of identity with the dead even to the twentieth generation."
Well must go take care of the days business.
Karen, Toni, Rebecca and Neil. I just got the mail. I have in my hand a
response regarding the McNokairds in Glen Shira from Mr. Beaton. Haven't
opened it yet. So excited.... Have to go out - field day at AJ's school
but I will read it this afternoon and get back with all!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sinclair@jump.net [mailto:owner-sinclair@jump.net] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 7:47 AM
To: sinclair@jump.net
Subject: Re: COMPLAIN
In a message dated 6/15/99 11:42:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
TXSINCLAIR@aol.com writes:
<< sinclair@jump.net. >>
please betty, don't include me in you "us americans" i was born in america,
and have lived here all my life, i find the wealth of knowledge on this list
extensive, and consider myself so lucky to have found such a group of
generous, interesting and informed people. this is my personal feeling
genealogy,( although i have only been doing this 4 months.) although the
names and dates of ones ancestors are the bones of the tree, the history,
the religions or absence thereof, the economics and politics of the time,
are the flesh and blood and heart that brings the tree to life for me.
you all on the the list for the help, education and inspiration don't stop
doing what you all do so well-GIVING.OF YOURSELVES . gratefully, pat dick
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[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html