Yes, this is one of my assignments, I believe,
as historian to provide you all with a list of the Earls and the Sinclair line
prior to that. But I think that they are already on our website if you
search for them. In fact, many of the questions to this discussion group
are answered there already.
But another version of the first segment,
The Scandinavian years has been sent to Mary Selver who is working on the new
website. "The Norman Years" list is stalled until I can
verify some of the information that we have just accepted in the past. It
may be that some of this will defy documentation and we will just have to go
with tradition. But do stay tuned and keep looking for new things on the
main website every week, people.
Nothing can replace the
detail you will get from books on our ancestry. These will give good
biographical sketches which you can have in your own hands and more easily
reference than the internet.