Is there some sort of "bug" at
work. I am getting these strange letters also
Dear Donald: Andrew Sinclair says they
were:Hubert Sinclair, Earl of Rye, and four of his sons, Radulph, Hubert,
Adam and Eudo. Walderne, Earl of St Clare with his three sons,
Richard, Britel and William. He adds the Earl of Senlis, then notes
that "he was a Frenchman and not a Norman" He says that
"it is not improbable" thatSenlis added his name with his sons on
the Roll of De Sancto Claro, but there is no record to support this.
Note that Hubert and his sons were Englishmen from East Sussex, while his
brother and nephews were Norman. This and much more from Andrew's book
The Sinclairs of England.