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Re: Asian American Sinclairs
My mother's uncle, Lowry Sinclair, was an Episcopal
missionary in China in the first half of this
century. His eldest son married a Chinese lady and I
got to meet their daughter a few years ago. She was
lovely and delightful and a credit to the Sinclair
---Andrew <andrsin@hotmail.com> wrote:
> It doesn't sound as if we need to welcome the West
Indian Sinclairs into the
> Family; they're already here with good Sinclair
blood flowing through their
> veins! What fun. It seems that the Sinclair genes
have a tendency to travel
> and hop on the first ship to the next new thing
(England, the new world,
> Australia etc). Is there an evidence of Sincalirs
heading east? Any Indian
> or Chinese Sincalirs?
> andrew (and English Sinclair transplanted in Seattle)
> > Our Clan genealogist in Scotland, Nicholas
Cram-Sinclair is from Jamaica
> > and is an acknowledged authority on
> > the Clan history. He now lives in Edinburgh. He
may be black but he is
> > proud of his Sinclair ancestry just as we
> > are proud to accept him into our Clan and to
involve him in our Clan
> > activities. He is a very useful and active member.
> > He is one of the guides at Edinburgh castle.
> >
> > Those of you who are into reggae music will have
heard of Bob Marley.
> > Well, his mother was a Sinclair.
> >
> > Trevor Sinclair is a star football player
(formerly with Queen's Park
> > Rangers and is now with West Ham Football
> > Club) here in England. His name occupies several
column inches of Press
> > every week.
> >
> > I do not think that it was only a question of
'slaves' taking the name of
> > their 'masters'. It was more a question of
> > the 'masters' taking themselves African
mistresses. Many younger sons
> > were sent out to the sugar plantations
> > - more particularly if they had blotted their
copybook at home.
> >
> > There were many Sinclairs in Barbados and
elsewhere in the West Indies.
> > Genes travel further than the person
> > who introduced them and, if there are those West
Indians who have taken
> the
> > Sinclair name, let us welcome them
> > to the fold.
> >
> > Niven Sinclair
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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