I would bet that your information is more accurate than mine. While I have a great interest in all of this, my time is very limited and most of my information is internet related. I am much more able to put bits of info together than to do large amounts of research. As a mater of fact, I use a separate laptop when I am on the internet so that I can enter information with greater ease. The problem is, when I get tiered I find myself using the mouse and wondering why the arrow on my laptop is not moving! Michelle
Spirit One Email wrote: Candace, I like that your chart does follow the Earldom as it moves around in the family. According to the materials from Pete Cummings, William b.1415 was the 13th Baron of Rosslyn and the 1st Earl of Caithness. Do you have other documentation for the title of Lord. According to what Pete sent 3 years ago, this line from William the Seemly to William b. 1415 were all Barons of Rosslyn until William 1415 became Earl of Caithness. This material could have been updated in this 3 year period, I suppose. As I have said, I am working on charts to cover the earliest direct lineage down to William b. 1415. Since I am putting these known people into a historical context I am not getting into families branching off of the main line so will await the appointing of the Clan genealogist to do that. I would welcome anyone starting with William b. 1415 and developing the information since his time. If a couple of us work on it from both ends, it will get done sooner. Let's communicate and work together on this to develop a consistant format.LaurelHistorian, Clan Sinclair USA Laurel-----Original Message----- |