I saw your request to have Richard Lower's
e-mail resent. Hope this is the one you wanted aand you get this
-----Original Message----- ÿþ
From: Richard Lower <coqnord@goldstate.net> To: sinclair@jump.net <sinclair@jump.net> Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999 9:14 PM Subject: Re: Family tree of the Earls of Caithness and the Lords Sinclair Marilyn: I know that my copy of the St
Clairs of the Isles was a "Scotcopy" made by the ScotPress in WV some
years ago. I also know that they quit the business and this
source is no longer active. The possibilities which remain appear to be
writing to the New Zealand publisher and arranging for another copy
(expensive, according to Ian), or to query that publishing house in New England
to see if they perchance have added St Clairs/Isles to the list of out of print
books they are making copies of. I can't find the netmail reference to
them, but they are the ones who have copies of the Morrison book for sale.
Seems a safe bet that they will also take on the St Clair book. Give
them a try.
Let us know if they have this resource
Ray (Richard)