Dear Niven and Sinclair extended
I really appreciated the fine words and sentiments
that you expressed in the following message sent to the list. It is not too far
away from the Masonic;'making good men better'. The other issue you mention is
the potential force for good and I thought of how the energies on this list may
actually create other positive ripples in this world.
I am not sure that "Dispora" is an accurate
term for the migration of Sinclairs from France. Now I do have a question for
any wisdom by participants on the list. In the migration from France I note
that the Norman Empire was fairly widespread. The Sinclair connection with
Scotland I was informed preceded the Battle of Hastings through land holdings.
What is a remarkable thread I have observed is the study of emmigration and
immigration for both historians and genealogical researchers on our list. It can
provide valuable understandings of both ancestory and motivations for those
ancestors doing what they did and going where they did. My research shows
a complex model of migration and not just the simple one from France to Roslyn
to Caithness to Argyll and the Large Cities of Scotland and England then to
North America and Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. While this may have been
something of a global pattern the migration into new areas and geographical
regions frequently was earlier than the major migrations and individual
Sinclairs made unusual inroads into a number of what might be considered unusual
My question is this; (someone I believe you
Niven suggested that after the Norman invasion Sinclairs spread all over England
and Scotland by 1100) I wonder if there is any research or data for
I would also be curious about the following
migrations; (Treat dates and geography only as vague parameters)
1. From France to England about 1000 to
2. From England to Scotland and Edinborough (1000 to
3. From Edinborough to Caithness (Henry
4. From Caithness to the Cities and environs of
Scotland 1650 - 1800
5. From Caithness and the environs of Scotland to the
colonies 1650 - 1999
The forgoing are what I would suggest are the global
historical migrations of the name and or individuals with the name St.
Clair/Sinclair or similiar ones. There are also movements in and aroung counties
and cities and of course military involvement adds to this migration and
distorts what we may want to see as a simple logical pattern. Now if list
members focus a bit on the migratory patterns it would greatly enhance
genealogical researchers finding their roots and the location of those roots.
Yours aye;
-----Original Message----- It is very clear from the
massive genealogical lists which a growing numberFrom: Niven Sinclair <> To: <> Cc: <> Date: 23 June, 1999 6:46 AM Subject: The Sinclair diaspora of your subscribers are preparing that the Sinclairs didn't need Viagra to help them with the on-going worldwide diaspora of Rollo's descendants. What a power for good we could become. If every man could mend
a man the whole World would soon be mended"
>Niven Sinclair |