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Re: Lena, Something to add to Your charts
Hi Laurel:
It's "dauphin" but maybe someone has already got to you on this.
Otherwise, very nice explanation.
-----Original Message-----
From: Spirit One Email <laurel@spiritone.com>
To: sinclair@zilker.net <sinclair@zilker.net>
Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 3:27 PM
Subject: Lena, Something to add to Your charts
I just visited your charts and looked at the area that I am currently
researching. These are the things that I have found that you might want to
add or change on your charts.
1. I have never seen Edward b.c. 1016 being called "the Outlaw". That
sounds as if he broken the law and had to flee but I have only seen him
called "The Exile" which describes his presence in Kiev and Hungary.
2. Atheling was not a last name. It is misunderstood. It was a title held
by only the persons, usually the sons of the Saxon King of England who
could become the King of England. Since there were almost always plenty of
sons or other males to become King, no woman ever held the title. It is
comparable to Daphne of France and Prince of Wales in England.
As you see in those examples, Daphne or Wales did not become the last
name of the family. This explanation from the book "Harold The Last
Anglo-Sason King" by Ian W. Walker. pg. 39:
"The key factor in the events of 1051, which is not dealt with by the Norman
accounts, is the background provided by Edward's (the Confessor s/o Queen
Emma St. Clair and Æthelred II) childless marriage. The succession to the
English kingship in the eleventh century rested on a number of factors. The
first was a natural right of inheritance usually but not always through
primogeniture and based on family relationship with the existing or a
previous monarch. In this way, sons or sometimes brothers of the reigning
monarch were recognized as potential heirs to the throne, often being given
the title "atheling" to signify their throne-worthy status--thus the
references to all of King Æthelred's sons, Athelstan, Edmund (Ironsides),
Eadwig, Edward and Alfred, as "atheling." In cases where a king had a
number of sons or brothers, the selection of a single heir to the kingdom
might be secured by his designation, usually but not always given to the
eldest son. Thus Cnut is said to have favored his younger son Hardecnut
before Harold 'Harefoot'. ......."
In the case of Atheling Edgar, when he was born I wonder whether he
would have received the title because his father was the Atheling but
perhaps this title extended immediately to the next generation at birth??
But definitely upon the death of his father in 1057, he would have been the
Atheling. But Edward the Confessor, went a step further when his father
died, by officially designating him Atheling, thus making it clear to all
the world that he would be the the next king.
With the events of 1066, it was clear to all around Edward the Confessor
that this young boy, maybe barely speaking English, could guide the nation
at this critical time so they allowed the popular Earl Harold to take over
without any opposition. Harold is much maligned for this (by who? Why, by
the Normans who wrote the history of this period).
3. You should add to the list of children for Athleling Edward and Agathe:
Christina b.c. 1048 and Atheling Edgar b.c. 1052. Christrina entered a
convent in England as did Margaret as they desired only to live the secluded
non-married life there. There is no truth to the story that William the
Seemly escorted her back to be married to Malcolm. He was already married
to an important lady from Norway/Denmark (don't remember name right now)
and had sons, one of which became King Duncan II of Scotland. There was no
way that Margaret would have tolerated him putting his wife aside to marry
her. That was a western custom and one not acceptable to the stricter
intrepretation of the scriptures held in Hungary. In fact Malcolm .....I
will save that story for the Spring Yours Aye. This information comes from
"St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland" by Alan J. Wilson.
The point is that Margaret and Christina were of no importance in 1057
but it was Edward the Exile that everyone was counting on.
4. Margaret and Malcolm who married in 1070 had 6 consecutive boys:
Edward was killed shortly after his father at the battle of Alnwick in Nov.
Edmund, after the death of his parents threw in his lot with his uncle,
Donald Bane, and ruled the south of Scotland from 1094-97
Edmund died in disgrace in a Cluniac monastery in Somerset.
Ethelred became Abbot of Dunkeld.
Edgar, Alexander and David became kings of Scotland.
and then two daughters Ædyth (Edith/Maude/Matilda) and Mary who m. Eustace,
Count of Bologne and became the mother of Good Queen Maud of England, wife
of Stephen their daughter, Matilda m. Emperor Henry V.
Edith m. King Henry I of England and then all the English line descends from
Both Edith and Mary were sent to a nunnery at Romsey in England where their
aunt, Christina, instructed them. She may have become the abbess in 1086.
The girls were there in 1093. Their aunt Christina was really tough on
them. Edith "trembled" under her rod and her words. "I...went in fear of
the rod of my aunt Christina..and ..she would often make me smart with a
good slapping and the most horrible scolding, as well as treating me as
being in disgrace."
When William II (in his 50's) pretended to come to the abby to pray but
really he was there to check out young Edyth, Christina protected her by
putting a nuns veil on her and saying she should be the bride of the
heavenly rather than the earthly king....."
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