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Re: Blow the Trumpet loudly. Louder
I take umbrage with some of your points I have
internoted them
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 1999 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: Blow the Trumpet loudly.
> >Flanders and Picardy were never part
of the Norman domain they were
> >Burgandian, Hapsburg and Frankish
where would William get Flemish troops?
> >
> >Douglas is a
well known name the Black Douglases in 1449 and his band of
> >tratiors
stain the pages of Scots history the King James II had to almost
>elimate them to regain the Kingdom. James Douglas the Earl of Morton
> >aginst the crown until 1572 in civil war. King James V
in his minority was
> >held under duress by Archibald Douglas.
They are many other instances of the
> >pages of history being smeared
with Douglas treachery.
> Douglas was a Galloway family.
Malcolm III was the first King of Scots
> to make Galloway more or less
part of the kingdom. Galloway was the wild
> west of Scotland in the
times of Malcolm III, David I, and up through those
> of Robert the
Bruce. The Black Douglas was best known for raiding the north
> of
England, which caused mothers to teach their children a rhyme about
behaving or the Black Douglas would get you.
Incorrect see Fueds,Forays and Rebellions John L
Roberts Edinburgh University Press 1999
Douglas is best know as a traitor see
History of the Western Highlands and Isle D. Gergory Edinburgh 1881 2
edition The Scottish Highlands a Short History, c300-1746 D.
Mitchell Edinburgh 1957
> One reason for the Bruce family being granted land in
Annandale was to help
> contain the wild lands of Galloway. However,
as everyone knows Sir James
> Douglas was one of the Bruce's main
lieutenants (see Barbour's Brus,
> http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/www/english/comet/starn/poetry/brus/contents.htm
A poets view not History
> ), and in the famous
incident of
> the attempt to carry Bruce's heart to the Holy Land it was
Sir James Douglas,
> Sir Robert Logan and Sir William Keith who fought at
Teba with William and
> John Sinclair.
> As for the origin
of the Douglas name, in what I quoted previously I was
> quoting from
scotclans, as I said; I know nothing more about it than that.
> http://www.scotclans.com/clans/douglas.htm
See also:
> http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Heritage/FSCNS/Scots_NS/Clans/Douglas.html
see Scottish Family History M. Stuart Edinburgh
> Incidentally, citing and preserving sources is
something we all would
> do well to do better.
> Please
note that I take no issue with John Duguid's version; I have no
> Gaelic
and he as a Scot in Scotland should know a lot better than me
> about
Gaelic name derivations.
Douglas is not a Highland clan and as such would
not share the "Irish tounge" I am a Scot with lands in Aberdeenshire so
> >Sinclair stood with William, David,
Malcom, Alexander the Bruce and in
> >Dunbar for King and country
against Cromwell. After the Act of Union we
> >were loyal to our King.
Archibald, first Viscount Thurso, was George VI
> >Minster of Air in
> >
> >No page of history speaks of Sinclair as
> >
> >Sinclair
> Probably so,
although there were plenty of instances of Sinclairs failing
> to win the
day, as at Altimarlach, and as when Oliver Sinclair lost one
> against the
English (I know some people on this list know that latter story;
> does
somebody want to tell it?).
Failing to win the day as Oliver at Solway Moss
did is a hell of a lot different than being a tratior
> There was one good Douglas poet, though. Was there ever a
Sinclair poet? :-)
> Somewhat more seriously, if we want the
Sinclair story to be told, maybe
> that's what we need; a few Sinclair
poets. I don't mean in verse, I mean
> a few good storytellers with
some well-honed stories to tell. Pete Cummings
> may have been such
a one, with his tight focus on Prince Henry Sinclair.
> There seems to be
interest now in the even wider 1200 year history
> of the Sinclair
family. Who will distill that story?
> Refined and
carefully-researched versions are good. As I said recently,
> a true
story is usually even better than a trite story.
> However,
please don't expect this list to be where you find the distilled
> story
and only that. As Laurel has put it, in the list we try to stir up
information. This is a discussion list; it will be confusing at
> and it is *supposed* to have many people going in different
> Here we mine the ore and mount some expeditions. In
the paper newsletters
> I would hope to see some refined metal and maybe
even some well-wrought
> trumpets for playing fine tunes about the results
of these and other
> expeditions. No doubt there will be more books,
as well. Not to mention
> presentations at games, and videos, and
television, and of course many
> web pages.
> I don't agree
about too many people, however. Many hands make light work.
> We
have 1200 years of story to tell; that's almost 50 generations, and
across much of Europe and the rest of the world. That's a lot of
> within the story to tell, and they will need a lot of story
> The more the merrier.
> In addition to the fine
tunes and well-told stories for the public, there
> are also plenty of
veins of ore that need careful sifting and academic
> discussion.
There is probably a Ph.D. thesis for somebody in the Argyll
> work that
Rory and Juli and Karen have started, for example.
> Concerning
the web pages,
> http://www.mids.org/sinclair/
> I
think I will put up some disclaimers that most of what you see there
> is
work in progress, not the final word, and if you want to see how it
comes out, you should join the list and join a clan organization.
> And as for only recent environment or recent heredity determining
> you are, I don't think that is all there is to it. My
experience with
> genealogy thus far (see, for example, www.quarterman.org) is that like
people tend to group together across generations. Your remote
> may very well be more like you than your neighbors.
> And it's not entirely a matter of relation, either. Ancestry
> a thread with which to follow the course of history.
Malcolm Canmore
> was just another historical figure to me until I
realized that he was
> *the* King of Scots who first established the
Sinclairs in Scotland.
> Similarly, I knew who Margaret was, more or less,
but she became a lot
> more interesting when I realized that William the
Seemly was associated
> with her. Personally, I'm always looking for
traces of another Norman
> family, and the more I know about the early
Normans, the more likely
> I will find them.
> Why examine
history at all? Well, I can tell you that in my present
> occupation
I do take heart from the story of Bruce and the spider.
> And the battle
of Roslin as an example of use of the materials at hand
> and just-in-time
reinforcement is also quite instructive.
> So I suggest that the
Sinclair clan organizations mine the copious
> ore that is being turned up
in the chaotic discussions on this list
> and elsewhere, and produce some
fine trumpets and well-told tales for
> presentation to the rest of the
world. Many willing hands and voices
> have been raised here in the
list. The clan organizations have already
> called on some of them,
and there are others still raised.
> John S. Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>
> PS: I have no Douglas
relations, as far as I know. I do have Flemish
> ancestors, through
a much different route.
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list,
> [ To get off
or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html