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Eynhallow question
Sinclairs and All,
This has a general question regarding the island of Eynhallow in Orkney.
Eynhallow is a very small island apparently with a cave and church (a ruin).
Still, it is strategically placed in the European "grid" system of
Cathedrals and other ancient and more modern holy sites. From an analytic
point of view may be the most powerful place in Europe and beyond. The most
unlikely place to build a church from the point of view of being of service
to a community, however in the ancient times on up through the St. Columba
and Templar era chapels, et al, were also constructed in sacred sites based
on the energetic/consciousness matrices not just for a local area but in a
much larger holistic system. It would seem that the church served this
purpose, particularly if highly respected and capable priests were assigned
"Eynhallow" means "Sacred/sanctified Nothing", thus is describing by name
(in Hebrew and Old English) the type of place confirmed by the grid
schematic. Eyn or "aon" in Scot Gaelic also gives us "one, alone, same,
only" (Dwelly's, pg 40) which is an excellent connection with Judeo
Christian usage. The "No-Thing" in all major religions including Judeo
Christian is the Unmanifest God and ultimate reality of pure Being, etc. and
in Judeo Christian scripture is found to correlate with the "Chief
Head-Stone" (Ps 118:19-23) and other foundational situations. "Without It,
Nothing Is."
Niven has identified an extraordinary priest that was unaccountably assigned
there. He has some penetrating questions himself about the assignment:
"Abbot Laurence was head of the Cistercian Monastery at Eynhallow. Was he a
Sinclair? Why was he translated to the powerful post of the great abbey of
Melrose? Why did he subsequently take part in top level negotiations
between the King of Scotland and the King of England? Why was a man of his
stature ever sent to a far off outpost in Orkney - an island which is now
uninhabited? We do not know how long he served in Eynhallow. We do know
that he was Abbot of Melrose from 1175 to his death in 1178 - three short
Melrose ("Hammer of the Rose") appears to be a part of the Cistercian and
Eynhallow connections. I don't know where Melrose is exactly relative to the
main Templar site at Balantrodoch (now town of Temple) but there seems to be
a strong link (THE SWORD AND THE GRAIL, pgs 51-55). Certainly the Cistercian
Order is central to the Templar effort. My own shaky understanding of the
linkage into Balantrodoch/Temple indicates that the "Hammer of the Rose
(Grail)" ...including the whole complex Edinburgh sytem from Seafield Tower
(ruin) in the north to Dryhope Tower (ruin) in the south, including Rosslyn
Chapel... would manifest at the Balantrodoch site. That is if divine input
downloads via Eynhallow, it "strikes" into the Earth at Mel-Ros via
Balantrodoch. It would be the main Spirit-to-Matter vector in the system.
The explanation for this is too long for this brief note and becomes highly
I have noticed that Clan Sinclair sits on the main sacred sites in the
larger grid system. This system is not the usual Platonic solid format also
used in the planetary grids but is a specialized system of a higher order
known to the Templars and apparently to everyone else before the Templars
including the Celts / Picts, Mithric priests, St. Columba. The Masons seem
to have also had a handle on it. This system is not recorded anywhere but
is found throughout the Bible and is key to decoding the Hebrew alphabet.
This has fascinated me these past several years and I'm focusing on trying
to understand it.
QUESTION (finally): Does anyone have ANY other information re Eynhallow?
Personal impressions or those shared by others, persons assigned there as
priests, ancient or modern history, any Sinclair connections at all, any
stories about the cave there? (Return answer direct to me if you wish it to
be confidential.)
Blessings Be...
William Buehler
Minister, Church of Antioch (Malabar Rite)