It seems that you
are on another 'exploration' and I am curious to know more about where your
thoughts comes from. The Sinclairs of Argyll are a focus for many of us on the
list and yours truly. Naturally your hypothesis on the roots in Argyll, prompts
my further inquiry.
This week you wrote and I quote;*
As mentioned in an earlier contribution to the Sinclair Discussion List, these
'workers in metal' were thought to have been the armorers from the Spanish
galley which sank in Tobermory Bay in 1588. In support of this
suggestion the Sinclairs of Argyll are said to be of a darker complexion than
their Northern namesakes. Rory
responded to you with the following response; The
Armada story I have heard in several different contexts from the explanation of
deValera to the complexion of the Black Irish. I would tend to give
that explanation a pass. You then responded as follows; I wonder if we should give
it a pass? Of the 18 Scots who escaped being massacred at Kringen, they settled
in the area and their descendants are still there!! The place-names
of the farms in the Otta District (where Malcolm and I were the guests of honour
recently) are testimony to the proof of their residence. They are still
intensely proud of their Scottish descent although the Scots who accompanied
Colonel George Sinclair were themselves of Viking descent. The wheel had
turned full circle. Where would those Spanish sailors, who managed to save
themselves, have gone to? Another Spanish galley, the el Gran Grifon, was
wrecked off Shetland and the crew saved by the intervention of Malcolm
Sinclair of Quendale. (Shades of Prince Henry with the Zeno galley?).
What I have found in researching
any social history is that we are all pioneers often picking up clues and tid
bits from what has gone or been written before, then having to authenticate it.
The McNokaird roots are substantiated from original research (with credits to
Juli & Karen) and you added to the spelling variations. I have approached a
couple of Universities with programs in Gaelic studies to get a scholarly
"read" of the derivations of the traslation of Caird etc. in
seventeenth century gaelic. Pending some response of the use of language and
translations we are also tracing whether "tinkler" pronunciation is an
accurate explaination of the origins of the Sinclair naming tradition in Argyll.
This depends on the gaelic language and english pronuciations in 1700 which is
different from what and how we may use language today. A mystery remains as to
the use of the Sinclair name either through reuse or adoption becoming prevelant
during the generation living in Argyll cira 1680-1720. We look for the
motivation as to why such a change came in social use during a limited time
frame. We have discovered that many families including the Campbells used or
were given gaelic alias as their naming identity during the 1600's and 1700's
with the names becoming more formalized and common with the spread of the Church
of Scotland and formal baptisim records which occured in Argyll largely after
Now the Spanish wreck history is a
new story for us all to chase down and until your mention of this none of us had
heard of this aspect. Now for the ignorant among us I have little difficulty
with Spanish saliors becoming Caerds and somewhat more difficulty with their
descendants then becoming instant Sinclairs some generations later. There is a
leap of logic that defies a logical academic approach. But where there is
mythologies and folklore there are frequently silent fingers pointing to facts
and truth somewhere and it is right and proper to chase down a leads if there is
any valid theory for so doing even if it is only to verify what is
So yes we need your help in
sharing what sources you know of for such stories and fill us in on some of the
more salient details if known. We can and will exchange with you any and all
information that we discover as a result. The goal remains to get the history
assimilated and then out to anyone who wants it through the clan
One of the interesting comments
you passed on from an unquoted source, was that the skin color may have been
different. Curious if true. The Argyll individuals I know are commonly fair
skinned and red haired which probably means very little.
We appreciate your insights and as
always your cheerful helpfulness.
Yours Aye;
Neil Sinclair